[Clipart] OpenClipart and Debian.

Jon Phillips jon at rejon.org
Tue Jan 11 20:14:41 PST 2005

Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Rene just mentioned that the Open clipart gallery is now in Debian Sid: 
> http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=openclipart
> Now, they do have one serious concern, and that's the presence of the Nazi 
> flag in the gallery. It's not just a matter of political correctness or 
> sensitivity. This flag is illegal in Germany and possibly other countries.
> Is there any chance that this flag will be removed from the archive? Or 
> that there will be an alternate clipart download without it, or any other 
> problematic material that is found?

I don't have a problem with anyone removing any clip art from the final tarball, 
honestly. Our system will eventually allow for anyone to make their own 
packages. So, I'm not speaking for everyone, but that is my thinking.

So, if they don't want the nazi flag, then take it out. I would just say that 
somewhere that the resulting package is a sampling of the clip art available at 
openclipart.org (as the archive is constantly growing anyhow).

Thoughts anyone else?

I think that the archive at openclipart.org can be the most broad amount of clip 
art. I would also say that our service is more akin to a public library, or 
another historical institution. I'm sure that there is a picture of a nazi flag 
in Germany at a library or in historical archives.

Now, are they actually asking us to provide packages that have things removed? I 
think that is a different matter. I think that what we are providing is but one 
sample of a tarball tha our site produces. Maybe this is similar to some open 
source project releasing their own SID or RPM...well the distro might actually 
want to tailor that a bit more to include in their distro, right?

Generally, I feel that we should be flex on these issues, as our main library 
will be the most general in inclusiveness and distros can pick and choose 
whatever they liek (plus, all the art is public domain...soooooo)...


Jon Phillips

USA PH 510.499.0894
jon at rejon.org

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Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org)
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