[Clipart] Anyone try librsvg2 on the clipart

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Sun Jul 10 08:42:17 PDT 2005

"Jeremy C. Reed" <reed at reedmedia.net> writes:

> > If this is a problem, then we should think about where the problem
> > lies, is it our bug, or librsvg2. Anyone?
> Even if OCAL provides faulty files, the applications should not hang
> or crash. They should complain.

Yep.  It is never *EVER* the data's fault if the application crashes,
unless the data is an executable or script of some kind and the
application is an interpreter.  These are just images; if the image
library that's supposed to be displaying them (or trying to display
them) crashes, the image library is broken.

The data may be broken too, of course, but that should only cause the
application to emit error messages and, in a worst case scenerio,
refuse to open or display the files.

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