[Clipart] upload ist failing

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Tue Jul 26 17:14:26 PDT 2005

Omar Abo-Namous <kontakt at toomuchcookies.net> writes:

> Hi guys,
> does upload work again?

The only outstanding bug in the upload process that we currently know
about involves non-ASCII characters in the metadata added at upload
time, if the browser does not send them as UTF-8.  All other known
upload bugs are fixed now.  If anything else is wrong with the upload,
we need bug reports to alert us to the problem so we can fix it.

> Should i reupload my svg file?

Wouldn't hurt.

We are attempting to repair/restore any files that were dammaged in
the upload process, using the content of the upload logs, in an
automated fashion, and I believe that the majority of them can be
fixed up in this way, but submitting again is fine too.  I'm planning
to check for new duplicates as part of the 0.16 release process,
because of the problems we've been having, so don't worry about
uploading a potentially-extra copy; go ahead.

Open Clip Art Library:  Drawing Together

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