[Cctools-cchost] Re: [Clipart] [PATCH] cchost user

Victor Stone lists at fourstones.net
Mon Feb 13 07:01:38 PST 2006

Jon Phillips wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-02-11 at 15:21 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
>>Modifies some of the user viewing text, to generalize 'remixes'.
> Hey Victor and Others on Open Clip Art Library and cctools-cchost list,
> I'm wondering what the best way is to generalize this type of label and
> form_tip to make it media-indepedent. 
>> What do is the best way to move forward on generalization of media type
>> in this situation, in general for the codebase and this patch? 

The BEST way would be to have the strings be part of the skin mechanism 
and allow admins to swtich between them on install and after (i.e. your 
site will be for primarily: art, music, video, all, etc.) because if you 
make it too generic no one, at any kind of installation will know what 
you're talking about in those form tips. In many cases by the time you 
dance around the word 'remix' you run the rist of causing more confusion 
than not. If that's not generic enough, certainly the terms like 'mod' 
and 'mashup' has been miused enough.

Second best would be to expose a string editor to admins that allows 
them, without changing code, to customize the screens to whatever they 
want. That editor would save the results to the translation file. Which 
brings me to...

Barring that, the easiest way to do it today is to edit the strings in:



   ccextras/cc-lang.inc => cc-lang.php

and away you go.


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