[Clipart] What would it take to get a .19 release out?

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Wed Mar 8 07:55:54 PST 2006

"Michael Moore" <stuporglue at gmail.com> writes:

> There were 296 0-byte files. I imagine that it'll take quite some
> work to recover those. 

Yes, but my computer will do most of the work.  It has started
already.  (We used this recovery process once before, due to the
infamous HASH bug, so there were already tools for doing it.)

The first phase of recovery (finding the relevant excerpts in the
upload logs and extracting them to separate .log files for each
relevant upload) will take about a day, but it will continue to run
while I go to work, sleep, et cetera.  It's running at nicelevel 20,
but my workstation's CPU is mostly idle most of the time, so the
recovery effort effectively has the full run of the system.

I did have to drag out my "elite cooling rig", though.  (Okay, so it's
really just a twenty-inch box fan, but it does the job.)

The second phase is actually using those logfile excerpts to recover
the files.  That shouldn't take longer than a day *unless* I have to
update or adjust the code that does it.  Hopefully that won't be

A third phase will involve throwing out excess bitwise-identical

Then I'll look over the results and see if they're ready to run
through the usual process.

Then I have to upload them.  For just the 296 files, though, that
shouldn't take too long.

I'd guess, off the top of my head, that they could be ready sometime
over the weekend, but that's a very tentative estimate.

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