[Clipart] What would it take to get a .19 release out?

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Tue Mar 21 07:48:19 PST 2006

"Jonadab the Unsightly One" <jonadab at bright.net> writes:

> > There were 296 0-byte files. I imagine that it'll take quite some
> > work to recover those. 
> Yes, but my computer will do most of the work.  

Sorry it took me so long to get this done.  The automated parts did
take longer than expected, but I also let other things get in the way.
Also, I'm not convinced everything was recovered automatically, and it
may still be beneficial to have a further look at things.

On the plus side, the recovery process has produced some 578 files.

Many of these appear to be duplicates, either of one another, or of
files already in the collection.  Nonetheless, I've tarballed them up
and am in the process of scping them to the server.

Open Clip Art Library:  Drawing Together

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