[Clipart] What would it take to get a .19 release out?

Michael Moore stuporglue at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 20:47:56 PST 2006

> >
> > Incidentally, some files (not included there) still came out zero
> > bytes.  I have not yet looked into why, but for the sake of
> > completeness here is a list of them:

Hmm... I think the recovery program might have some bugs, or else the
data it was recovering from is to messed up.  Metadata, file names,
and file contents seem to have been scrambled in some cases.


File: manager_gerald_g._01r.svg
Keywords: penguin, building, tux, place, work, northamerica, manager
Description: US Capitol Building Ink Pen Style
Image: The Capitol building.
In folder: Birds

This one has "penguin", "tux", and "manager", but is obviously the US
Capitol building.

File: vavuum_cleaner_-_uprig_02r.svg
Keywords: penguin, household, tool, vacuum, animal, appliance
Description: (empty)
Image: A penguin
In Folder: Birds

This one id definately NOT a vacuum cleaner (which would match
household, tool, vacuum and appliance keywords).

File: monkey_head_nicu_bucule_01r.svg
Keywords: animal
Description: (empty)
Image: The British flag
In Folder: Mamals

Again, there's a mismatch between the text and the image.

The images themselves are fine. I'm not sure what to make of the other
data though. What should I do? I don't know if any of the metadata is
correct in any of them.

My personal opinion is that we should take the good ones we've already
got and make a release. Maybe we can make another attempt at
recovering the files and put them in the next release in a month.
Otherwise, it'll be another week or so to get this release out. There
are 1978 new cliparts, although a couple of those are new versions of
existing ones.

Michael Moore
www.stuporglue.org -- Donate your used computer to a student that needs it.
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