[Clipart] What would it take to get a .19 release out?

Stephen Silver ocalocal at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 25 02:05:46 PST 2006

Earlier this month, Jonadab wrote:

> There are also a number of .wmf files, which will need to be converted
> probably by someone who has wmftosvg working.  I had it working on my
> previous system, but I haven't got a spare Round Tuit for that on my
> current system yet.  (I did have a cursory go at it, but the compiler
> is giving me "undefined reference" errors and just now I don't feel
> like trying to debug an arcane build process for C code that probably
> relies on some obscure library I haven't installed.)

Could you send me a copy of the errors?  WMFtoSVG doesn't use any
obscure libraries, it only uses those that have been part of the C
standard since 1989.  The only library that you may need to specify
explicitly is the one for math.h, but if you are compiling with GCC
you can use the makefile

   make -f Makefile.gcc

and there shouldn't be a problem.

> Anyone who has wmftosvg working could help with this, just reply here
> and I'll zip up or tar up (your preference) the wmf files and send
> them over to you.

I could do this, if it's not too late now.  (I haven't been following
the list for a while, so I didn't see this before.)

Stephen Silver

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