[Clipart] Fishy...

Nathan Eady eady at galion.lib.oh.us
Thu Jun 3 10:38:33 PDT 2010

charles thomas <charlesavt at yahoo.com> writes:

> Well it looks like that many of you like to check submissions to
> ensure the integrity of the clipart.  Is there an issue with just
> having it there? For example the big resume site "Monster" has a
> full disclaimer saying that it is not responsible for the action of
> others. Eg violation of copyright and many other caveats.
The big news site "New York Times" does not publish user-submitted
stories at all.  Only employees can publish material there, not
members of the general public.  This is at least as relevant as your
anecdote about the big resume site "Monster".

OCAL is NOT a public image hosting site for any image you need a place
to host.  If that's what you're looking for, check out DeviantArt or
PhotoBucket or some site like that.  There are lots of sites like that
out there.  We don't need another one.  Nobody needs another one.  In
fact, that kind of site is #2 on the list of "8 [kinds of] Websites
You Need to Stop Building" (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/websites_stop).  
Why would we turn OCAL into that?  Why?

The Open Clip Art Library is instead dedicated to building a
collection of public domain clip art that can be freely redistributed
and used for any purpose.  This is actually useful, partly because it
hasn't already been done eighty gajillion times.  If you do not wish
to participate in this effort, you don't have to.  You can always go
find another site that is more to your liking.  But please don't try
to turn OCAL into Yet Another Image Sharing Site.  We would rather let
the registration lapse and allow the domain to be taken over by the
pod people to host random advertisements.

Nathan Eady
Galion Public Library

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