[Cogl] Add some support files and updates to Visual C++ support

Robert Bragg robert at sixbynine.org
Mon May 14 15:08:06 PDT 2012

Thanks, as best I can tell, this looks good to land to me, please push
to master:

Reviewed-by: Robert Bragg <robert at linux.intel.com>

kind regards,
- Robert

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Fan Chun-wei <fanc999 at yahoo.com.tw> wrote:
> Hi,
> For compiling Cogl master, I also have the following patch to the Visual C++
> project files, the [cogl|cogl-pango].rc.in files, and updates to the
> autotools files to put the versioning items in
> cogl-defines.h[.win32|.win32_SDL] so that the Visual C++ builds could be
> done correctly on Cogl master.
> With blessings, thank you!
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