[Cogl] cogl-pango API

Robert Bragg robert at sixbynine.org
Mon Jan 6 15:37:44 PST 2014

Hi Reza,

I'm afraid this is going to be awkward to handle for a few different reasons...

One issue here is that cogl-pango currently abstracts away what
CoglPipeline gets used internally during _draw_layout(). This is
necessary to some extent because pango supports rich text and so
cogl-pango at least needs to be able to change the color, but also
because internally glyphs are stored in a number of atlas textures and
for any given text cogl-pango needs to figure out what texture the
glyphs you need are stored in and setup the CoglPipeline so it reads
from the right texture.

It would be good to add a way for a user to perhaps specify a template
pipeline that cogl-pango could then derive from before maying any
changes, or alternatively add some hooks that give you enough
information to completely own how all CoglPipelines are created.

Besides this missing api capability though, you should understand that
each glyph is basically drawn as a textured rectangle that maps a
sub-region of a glyph-cache atlas texture to the rectangle that bounds
that glyph. This means that in terms of geometry each glyph is
represented as a rectangle and so you can't just rely on depth testing
based on the geometry, you also need to make sure that you discard
transparent and semi transparent fragments so they don't affect depth
testing. If you do that though you will be left with horrible jaggie
edges on all of your glpyhs I think that will be difficult to address,
given the design of Clutter.

I'm afraid that there is no silver bullet for this kind of problem and
clutter and cogl-pango aren't currently well geared to support your
use case. Although we created toys in the past that used depth testing
with Clutter, it was never really considered a priority when there was
no pressing use case which means that Clutter isn't designed to take
advantage of GPU depth testing.

Often applications using the GPU (e.g. games using OpenGL/D3D) that
want to use depth testing to avoid overdraw but that also need to draw
transparent objects will use a two pass approach. They will do an
opaque pass that draws all opaque objects with depth writing and
testing enabled in a front-to-back order and then they will do a
blending pass that will draw all transparent objects with blending
enabled, depth testing enabled, depth write disable and in a
back-to-front order. The way Clutter is currently designed, it only
has one pass with no depth sorting and it doesn't know about GPU depth
testing itself (it's just that actors can use Cogl to use depth
testing without Clutter being aware). This means it will be difficult
to solve this in the same way that something like a game engine could.

As it happens I'm currently working on a project called Rig, which is
trying to create a UI technology and design tool that can hopefully
help us better utilize modern GPUs in UI design, but I'm afraid it's
such early days for that, that it probably wouldn't be helpful for you
yet. From the sounds of what you're trying to do with Clutter though,
it seems you're treading uncharted territory and I think this is an
example of something that's going to be difficult to handle well.

Sorry that this answer might not be very helpful to you.

kind regards,

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:10 AM, Reza Ghassemi <reza.robin1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> If I have two ClutterText actors at different depths and have depth testing
> enabled, the text itself still draws only in the order the actors are added
> to the stage, regardless of their depths.
> Is this a known limitation due to how the cogl-pango API is implemented?
> How hard would this be to fix?
> I notice in cogl-pango-render.c in cogl_pango_show_layout:
>  if (qdata->display_list == NULL)
>     {
>      ...
>      ...
>       pango_renderer_draw_layout (PANGO_RENDERER (priv), layout, 0, 0);
>       priv->display_list = NULL;
>       qdata->mipmapping_used = priv->use_mipmapping;
>     }
>   cogl_framebuffer_push_matrix (fb);
>   cogl_framebuffer_translate (fb, x, y, 0);
>   _cogl_pango_display_list_render (fb,
>                                    qdata->display_list,
>                                    color);
>   cogl_framebuffer_pop_matrix (fb);
> This looks like pango_renderer_draw_layout is drawing it to an offscreen
> buffer then it is being drawn to the cogl framebuffer.  So why does it not
> obey depth testing?
> Thanks,
> Reza
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