[Cogl] [PATCH 3/4] cogl-gst: video-sink: rework color conversion to care about colorimetry

Lionel Landwerlin llandwerlin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 10:14:22 PST 2014

 cogl-gst/cogl-gst-video-sink.c | 350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 249 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cogl-gst/cogl-gst-video-sink.c b/cogl-gst/cogl-gst-video-sink.c
index 40dbb02..3742c6e 100644
--- a/cogl-gst/cogl-gst-video-sink.c
+++ b/cogl-gst/cogl-gst-video-sink.c
@@ -172,6 +172,139 @@ struct _CoglGstVideoSinkPrivate
   GstVideoInfo info;
+/* Snippet cache */
+static SnippetCacheEntry *
+get_layer_cache_entry (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
+                       SnippetCache *cache)
+  CoglGstVideoSinkPrivate *priv = sink->priv;
+  GList *l;
+  for (l = cache->entries.head; l; l = l->next)
+    {
+      SnippetCacheEntry *entry = l->data;
+      if (entry->start_position == priv->custom_start)
+        return entry;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+static SnippetCacheEntry *
+add_layer_cache_entry (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
+                       SnippetCache *cache,
+                       const char *decl)
+  CoglGstVideoSinkPrivate *priv = sink->priv;
+  SnippetCacheEntry *entry = g_slice_new (SnippetCacheEntry);
+  char *default_source;
+  entry->start_position = priv->custom_start;
+  entry->vertex_snippet =
+    cogl_snippet_new (COGL_SNIPPET_HOOK_VERTEX_GLOBALS,
+                      decl,
+                      NULL /* post */);
+  entry->fragment_snippet =
+                      decl,
+                      NULL /* post */);
+  default_source =
+    g_strdup_printf ("  cogl_layer *= cogl_gst_sample_video%i "
+                     "(cogl_tex_coord%i_in.st);\n",
+                     priv->custom_start,
+                     priv->custom_start);
+  entry->default_sample_snippet =
+    cogl_snippet_new (COGL_SNIPPET_HOOK_LAYER_FRAGMENT,
+                      NULL, /* declarations */
+                      default_source);
+  g_free (default_source);
+  g_queue_push_head (&cache->entries, entry);
+  return entry;
+static SnippetCacheEntry *
+get_global_cache_entry (SnippetCache *cache, int param)
+  GList *l;
+  for (l = cache->entries.head; l; l = l->next)
+    {
+      SnippetCacheEntry *entry = l->data;
+      if (entry->start_position == param)
+        return entry;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+static SnippetCacheEntry *
+add_global_cache_entry (SnippetCache *cache,
+                        const char *decl,
+                        int param)
+  SnippetCacheEntry *entry = g_slice_new (SnippetCacheEntry);
+  entry->start_position = param;
+  entry->vertex_snippet =
+    cogl_snippet_new (COGL_SNIPPET_HOOK_VERTEX_GLOBALS,
+                      decl,
+                      NULL /* post */);
+  entry->fragment_snippet =
+                      decl,
+                      NULL /* post */);
+  g_queue_push_head (&cache->entries, entry);
+  return entry;
+static void
+setup_pipeline_from_cache_entry (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
+                                 CoglPipeline *pipeline,
+                                 SnippetCacheEntry *cache_entry,
+                                 int n_layers)
+  CoglGstVideoSinkPrivate *priv = sink->priv;
+  if (cache_entry)
+    {
+      int i;
+      /* The global sampling function gets added to both the fragment
+       * and vertex stages. The hope is that the GLSL compiler will
+       * easily remove the dead code if it's not actually used */
+      cogl_pipeline_add_snippet (pipeline, cache_entry->vertex_snippet);
+      cogl_pipeline_add_snippet (pipeline, cache_entry->fragment_snippet);
+      /* Set all of the layers to just directly copy from the previous
+       * layer so that it won't redundantly generate code to sample
+       * the intermediate textures */
+      for (i = 0; i < n_layers; i++) {
+        cogl_pipeline_set_layer_combine (pipeline,
+                                         priv->custom_start + i,
+                                         "RGBA=REPLACE(PREVIOUS)",
+                                         NULL);
+      }
+      if (priv->default_sample) {
+        cogl_pipeline_add_layer_snippet (pipeline,
+                                         priv->custom_start + n_layers - 1,
+                                         cache_entry->default_sample_snippet);
+      }
+    }
+  priv->frame_dirty = TRUE;
 static void
 cogl_gst_source_finalize (GSource *source)
@@ -204,6 +337,112 @@ cogl_gst_video_sink_attach_frame (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
+/* YUV <-> RGB conversions */
+static const gchar *color_conversions_shaders =
+  "\n"
+  "/* These conversion functions take : */\n"
+  "/*   Y = [0, 1] */\n"
+  "/*   U = [-0.5, 0.5] */\n"
+  "/*   V = [-0.5, 0.5] */\n"
+  "vec3\n"
+  "cogl_gst_yuv_bt601_to_srgb (vec3 yuv)\n"
+  "{\n"
+  "  return mat3 (1.0,    1.0,      1.0,\n"
+  "               0.0,   -0.344136, 1.772,\n"
+  "               1.402, -0.714136, 0.0   ) * yuv;\n"
+  "}\n"
+  "\n"
+  "vec3\n"
+  "cogl_gst_yuv_bt709_to_srgb (vec3 yuv)\n"
+  "{\n"
+  "  return mat3 (1.0,     1.0,      1.0,\n"
+  "               0.0,    -0.187324, 1.8556,\n"
+  "               1.5748, -0.468124, 0.0    ) * yuv;\n"
+  "}\n"
+  "\n"
+  "vec3\n"
+  "cogl_gst_yuv_bt2020_to_srgb (vec3 yuv)\n"
+  "{\n"
+  "  return mat3 (1.0,     1.0,      1.0,\n"
+  "               0.0,     0.571353, 1.8814,\n"
+  "               1.4746,  0.164553, 0.0    ) * yuv;\n"
+  "}\n"
+  "/* Original transformation, still no idea where these values come from... */\n"
+  "vec3\n"
+  "cogl_gst_yuv_originalyuv_to_srgb (vec3 yuv)\n"
+  "{\n"
+  "  return mat3 (1.0,         1.0,      1.0,\n"
+  "               0.0,        -0.390625, 2.015625,\n"
+  "               1.59765625, -0.8125,   0.0      ) * yuv;\n"
+  "}\n"
+  "\n"
+  "vec3\n"
+  "cogl_gst_yuv_srgb_to_bt601 (vec3 rgb)\n"
+  "{\n"
+  "  return mat3 (0.299,  0.5,      -0.168736,\n"
+  "               0.587, -0.418688, -0.331264,\n"
+  "               0.114, -0.081312,  0.5      ) * rgb;\n"
+  "}\n"
+  "\n"
+  "vec3\n"
+  "cogl_gst_yuv_srgb_to_bt709 (vec3 rgb)\n"
+  "{\n"
+  "  return mat3 (0.2126, -0.114626,  0.5,\n"
+  "               0.7152, -0.385428, -0.454153,\n"
+  "               0.0722,  0.5,       0.045847 ) * rgb;\n"
+  "}\n"
+  "\n"
+  "vec3\n"
+  "cogl_gst_yuv_srgb_to_bt2020 (vec3 rgb)\n"
+  "{\n"
+  "  return mat3 (0.2627, -0.139630,  0.503380,\n"
+  "               0.6780, -0.360370, -0.462893,\n"
+  "               0.0593,  0.5,      -0.040486 ) * rgb;\n"
+  "}\n"
+  "\n"
+  "#define cogl_gst_default_yuv_to_srgb(arg) cogl_gst_yuv_%s_to_srgb(arg)\n"
+  "\n";
+static const char *
+_gst_video_color_matrix_to_string (GstVideoColorMatrix matrix)
+  switch (matrix)
+    {
+      return "bt601";
+      return "bt709";
+    default:
+      return "bt709";
+    }
+static void
+cogl_gst_video_sink_setup_conversions (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
+                                       CoglPipeline *pipeline)
+  CoglGstVideoSinkPrivate *priv = sink->priv;
+  GstVideoColorMatrix matrix = priv->info.colorimetry.matrix;
+  static SnippetCache snippet_cache;
+  SnippetCacheEntry *entry = get_global_cache_entry (&snippet_cache, matrix);
+  if (entry == NULL)
+    {
+      char *source = g_strdup_printf (color_conversions_shaders,
+                                      _gst_video_color_matrix_to_string (matrix));
+      entry = add_global_cache_entry (&snippet_cache, source, matrix);
+      g_free (source);
+    }
+  cogl_pipeline_add_snippet (pipeline, entry->vertex_snippet);
+  cogl_pipeline_add_snippet (pipeline, entry->fragment_snippet);
 static CoglBool
 cogl_gst_source_prepare (GSource *source,
                          int *timeout)
@@ -280,97 +519,10 @@ cogl_gst_video_sink_setup_pipeline (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
   g_return_if_fail (COGL_GST_IS_VIDEO_SINK (sink));
   if (sink->priv->renderer)
-    sink->priv->renderer->setup_pipeline (sink, pipeline);
-static SnippetCacheEntry *
-get_cache_entry (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
-                 SnippetCache *cache)
-  CoglGstVideoSinkPrivate *priv = sink->priv;
-  GList *l;
-  for (l = cache->entries.head; l; l = l->next)
-      SnippetCacheEntry *entry = l->data;
-      if (entry->start_position == priv->custom_start)
-        return entry;
+      cogl_gst_video_sink_setup_conversions (sink, pipeline);
+      sink->priv->renderer->setup_pipeline (sink, pipeline);
-  return NULL;
-static SnippetCacheEntry *
-add_cache_entry (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
-                 SnippetCache *cache,
-                 const char *decl)
-  CoglGstVideoSinkPrivate *priv = sink->priv;
-  SnippetCacheEntry *entry = g_slice_new (SnippetCacheEntry);
-  char *default_source;
-  entry->start_position = priv->custom_start;
-  entry->vertex_snippet =
-    cogl_snippet_new (COGL_SNIPPET_HOOK_VERTEX_GLOBALS,
-                      decl,
-                      NULL /* post */);
-  entry->fragment_snippet =
-                      decl,
-                      NULL /* post */);
-  default_source =
-    g_strdup_printf ("  cogl_layer *= cogl_gst_sample_video%i "
-                     "(cogl_tex_coord%i_in.st);\n",
-                     priv->custom_start,
-                     priv->custom_start);
-  entry->default_sample_snippet =
-    cogl_snippet_new (COGL_SNIPPET_HOOK_LAYER_FRAGMENT,
-                      NULL, /* declarations */
-                      default_source);
-  g_free (default_source);
-  g_queue_push_head (&cache->entries, entry);
-  return entry;
-static void
-setup_pipeline_from_cache_entry (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
-                                 CoglPipeline *pipeline,
-                                 SnippetCacheEntry *cache_entry,
-                                 int n_layers)
-  CoglGstVideoSinkPrivate *priv = sink->priv;
-  if (cache_entry)
-    {
-      int i;
-      /* The global sampling function gets added to both the fragment
-       * and vertex stages. The hope is that the GLSL compiler will
-       * easily remove the dead code if it's not actually used */
-      cogl_pipeline_add_snippet (pipeline, cache_entry->vertex_snippet);
-      cogl_pipeline_add_snippet (pipeline, cache_entry->fragment_snippet);
-      /* Set all of the layers to just directly copy from the previous
-       * layer so that it won't redundantly generate code to sample
-       * the intermediate textures */
-      for (i = 0; i < n_layers; i++)
-        cogl_pipeline_set_layer_combine (pipeline,
-                                         priv->custom_start + i,
-                                         "RGBA=REPLACE(PREVIOUS)",
-                                         NULL);
-      if (priv->default_sample)
-        cogl_pipeline_add_layer_snippet (pipeline,
-                                         priv->custom_start + n_layers - 1,
-                                         cache_entry->default_sample_snippet);
-    }
-  priv->frame_dirty = TRUE;
 CoglPipeline *
@@ -430,7 +582,7 @@ cogl_gst_rgb_setup_pipeline (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
   if (cogl_has_feature (priv->ctx, COGL_FEATURE_ID_GLSL))
       static SnippetCache snippet_cache;
-      SnippetCacheEntry *entry = get_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache);
+      SnippetCacheEntry *entry = get_layer_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache);
       if (entry == NULL)
@@ -445,7 +597,7 @@ cogl_gst_rgb_setup_pipeline (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
-          entry = add_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache, source);
+          entry = add_layer_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache, source);
           g_free (source);
@@ -709,7 +861,7 @@ cogl_gst_yv12_glsl_setup_pipeline (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
   static SnippetCache snippet_cache;
   SnippetCacheEntry *entry;
-  entry = get_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache);
+  entry = get_layer_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache);
   if (entry == NULL)
@@ -724,9 +876,7 @@ cogl_gst_yv12_glsl_setup_pipeline (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
                          "  float u = texture2D (cogl_sampler%i, UV).a - 0.5;\n"
                          "  float v = texture2D (cogl_sampler%i, UV).a - 0.5;\n"
                          "  vec4 color;\n"
-                         "  color.r = y + 1.59765625 * v;\n"
-                         "  color.g = y - 0.390625 * u - 0.8125 * v;\n"
-                         "  color.b = y + 2.015625 * u;\n"
+                         "  color.rgb = cogl_gst_default_yuv_to_srgb (corrected);\n"
                          "  color.a = 1.0;\n"
                          "  return color;\n"
@@ -735,7 +885,7 @@ cogl_gst_yv12_glsl_setup_pipeline (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
                          priv->custom_start + 1,
                          priv->custom_start + 2);
-      entry = add_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache, source);
+      entry = add_layer_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache, source);
       g_free (source);
@@ -772,7 +922,7 @@ cogl_gst_ayuv_glsl_setup_pipeline (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
   static SnippetCache snippet_cache;
   SnippetCacheEntry *entry;
-  entry = get_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache);
+  entry = get_layer_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache);
   if (entry == NULL)
@@ -787,14 +937,12 @@ cogl_gst_ayuv_glsl_setup_pipeline (CoglGstVideoSink *sink,
                            "  float u = color.b - 0.5;\n"
                            "  float v = color.a - 0.5;\n"
                            "  color.a = color.r;\n"
-                           "  color.r = y + 1.59765625 * v;\n"
-                           "  color.g = y - 0.390625 * u - 0.8125 * v;\n"
-                           "  color.b = y + 2.015625 * u;\n"
+                           "  color.rgb = cogl_gst_default_yuv_to_srgb (corrected);\n"
                            "  return color;\n"
                            "}\n", priv->custom_start,
-      entry = add_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache, source);
+      entry = add_layer_cache_entry (sink, &snippet_cache, source);
       g_free (source);

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