[Cogl] Does anyone have any good resources to learn Cogl?

Barry Smith barry.of.smith at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 06:03:53 PDT 2014


I've started developing software with Vala, and have got fairly good with
the language. I'm looking to write 3D simulation software, so I found the
Cogl library. It looks like just the thing I need. Unfortunately, after a
few hours trawling the web, I have found only this website below with any
meaningful information on learning about the library:


Although this website is helpful, it's in C (not something I'm brilliant
at) and as a newcomer to 3D graphics, it's not very friendly so I'm finding
it hard to extract any meaningful information from it.

I know that there is documentation for the library - even with Vala - but
it is not very helpful when trying to learn the library well. Does anyone
know a good way of learning? How did you learn how to use it?


Barry Smith
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