[Cogl] [PATCH] basic-video-player: don't try and sample mipmap

Robert Bragg robert at sixbynine.org
Fri Mar 14 10:26:12 PDT 2014

From: Robert Bragg <robert.bragg at intel.com>

Since we don't generate a mipmap chain for uploaded video frames this
avoids setting the min filter to COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR.

Since COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR is the default and since it is also
dubious that cogl-basic-video-player is directly manipulating layers
that are conceptually internal to cogl-gst this removes the loop that
updates the filtering for cogl-gst layers.
 examples/cogl-basic-video-player.c | 16 ----------------
 1 file changed, 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/cogl-basic-video-player.c b/examples/cogl-basic-video-player.c
index 34678f3..f894c38 100644
--- a/examples/cogl-basic-video-player.c
+++ b/examples/cogl-basic-video-player.c
@@ -194,24 +194,8 @@ _set_up_pipeline (gpointer instance,
   Data* data = (Data*) user_data;
-  /*
-    The cogl-gst sink, depending on the video format, can use up to 3 texture
-    layers to render a frame. To avoid overwriting frame data, the first
-    free layer in the cogl pipeline needs to be queried before adding any
-    additional textures.
-  */
-  int free_layer = cogl_gst_video_sink_get_free_layer (data->sink);
   data->video_pipeline = cogl_gst_video_sink_get_pipeline (data->sink);
-  while (free_layer > 0)
-    {
-      free_layer--;
-      cogl_pipeline_set_layer_filters (data->video_pipeline, free_layer,
-                                       COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR,
-                                       COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR);
-    }
   /* disable blending... */
   cogl_pipeline_set_blend (data->video_pipeline,
                            "RGBA = ADD (SRC_COLOR, 0)", NULL);

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