[colord] "Failed to MakeProfileDefault"

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 14:25:20 PDT 2012

On 20 June 2012 21:09, Florian Höch <lists+colord at hoech.org> wrote:
> the error message in the subject is currently what another user (who is
> on Fedora 17) is getting from colord when trying to install a profile
> with the latest dev snapshot of dispcalGUI (which uses colord through
> the Python GObject Introspection "gi" module to add the profile to the
> device and then make it default).

Ohh, awesome. Thanks for doing that.

> I can try to encourage him to post
> here to get some more info if needed, but before I do that I wanted to
> ask if you can think off the top of your head of any conditions why this
> could fail (the profile is seemingly correctly added to the device, and
> on my test system it all works nicely)?

Yes, I think we need the detailed bit of the error. If you can get the
version of colord, I can narrow it down to what it might be. It's
probably a permissions problem of some kind.


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