[colord] colord 0.1.33

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 01:19:08 PDT 2013

colord is a system activated daemon that maps devices to color profiles.

Version 0.1.33
Released: 2013-04-16

 - This release is is designed for stable distros. There are quite a few nice
   bugfixes and also quite a few new translations for all the
generated profiles.

New Features:
 - Add some profile descriptions for the CMYK profiles (Richard Hughes)
 - Add the FOGRA45L and FOGRA47L CMYK profiles (Richard Hughes)
 - Include the eciRGBv1 gamma 1.8 profile (Richard Hughes)
 - libcolord: Add cd_it8_set_enable_created (Richard Hughes)
 - libcolord: Add helpers for int and double values from the DOM
(Richard Hughes)

 - Add ifdef for cmsGetToneCurveEstimatedTableEntries (Richard Hughes)
 - Build the print profiles from XML descriptions (Richard Hughes)
 - Check the generated CCMX matrix for invalid data (Richard Hughes)
 - Do not print a warning if the DBus property does not exist (Richard Hughes)
 - Ensure mbstowcs() has an LC_CTYPE of 'en_US.UTF-8' (Richard Hughes)
 - libcolord: Always write C-locale floating point values in IT8 files
(Richard Hughes)
 - libcolord: Initialize the value of the CCMX matrix (Richard Hughes)
 - libcolord: Return the correct result from cd_mat33_matrix_multiply
(Richard Hughes)
 - Never promote localized v2 ICC profiles to v4 (Richard Hughes)
 - Rename ISOnewspaper26 to IFRA26S_2004_newsprint (Richard Hughes)

See http://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord/ for more details.

Tarballs can be found here:


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