[colord] Inconsistent copyright in some directories

Christopher James Halse Rogers chris at cooperteam.net
Mon Mar 18 20:59:26 PDT 2013

I've just gone on a refresh of the debian/copyright information for the 
colord and colord-gtk packages, and I noticed some anomalous copyright 
lying around.

lib/colorhug: GPL, but maybe that's intentional

lib/dtp94, lib/huey, lib/munki: GPL, except for the header file 
(dtp94.h, huey.h, munki.h). That looks like a mistake?

contrib/session-helper: header is LGPL, the rest of the library is GPL?

libcolord-gtk: everything's LGPL, except for cd-sample-widget.{c,h}, 
which is GPL.

Some of this is probably intentional, but some probably isn't.

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