[colord] Question about "colormgr get-profiles"

Florin Gherendi florin_gf at yahoo.fr
Mon Jun 6 20:38:56 UTC 2016

Hello everybody,


I've managed to compile and install colord in non-standard location
(/opt/usr) on an ARM system, and it finally works, it can create devices and
profiles. However, without any custom profile created and no device
attached, "colormgr get-profiles" doesn't return anything. Is that what it's
supposed to do with no device configured? On an Intel Ubuntu 14.04 system it
returns a profile for every icc file located in /usr/share/color/icc.  


As I can see in the cd-main.c source,  cd_main_on_name_acquired_cb()  should
call cd_icc_store_search_kind() which should parse the system-wide installed
icc files, but it doesn't seem to happen in my case.  /opt/libexec/colord -v
only reports "CdMain: acquired name: org.freedesktop.ColorManager" when ran
as root; and it does not give any message about the icc store.  When running
colord -v as ordinary user, it only reports "lost name", never "acquired
name"; but this seems to be related to PolicyKit restrictions on using the
service; am I right?


It is true that on my ARM system I had to change the installation prefix and
/usr/share is not writeable, cannot install any ICC profile there. I've
tried changing the location in cd-icc-store.c : cd_icc_store_search_kind()
to /opt/usr/share/color/icc, but nothing changed; actually colord seems to
never get to execute that code. 


I am pretty new with colord "hacking" and it's the first time I'm trying to
compile it from scratch, and I don't have access to a machine with root
filesystem writable for checking it with standard install prefix. Tried with
colord 1.2.12 and with 1.3.2; same result.


Thanks for any suggestion.



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