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<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed;
font-size: 12px;" lang="x-unicode">Hi Colord,
I recently bought a spyderX. It works like a charm under Windows.
And I got it running under DisplayCal.
I'm on Ubuntu 19.10. Which is using a version of Color which
doesn't yet support
the Spyder X.
First of, is there a new release planned?
I would love for the possibility of
SpyderX support to be included in the next Ubuntu release.
I installed colord from master, rebooted and the 'calibrate'
button wasn't grayed out
any more <span class="moz-smiley-s1" title=":-)"></span>.
Starting it produced a white rectangle with the message:
> Calibration Failed!
> An internal error occurred that could not be recovered.
> You can remove the calibration device.
I tried running colord with --verbose per the bug reporting
But that results in Colord not finding any devices nor sensors.
How can we fix this?