[compiz] [PATCH] Add option to switcher plugin for current workspace windows only

Thomas Liebetraut thomas at tommie-lie.de
Sat Apr 1 23:54:30 PST 2006

Mike Hearn schrieb:
> Though I'm a bit concerned at how many keybindings compiz is starting
> to use. It already ate my emacs reload-file keybinding, though, scale
> is pretty enough that I don't really mind :)
True, but the wonderful thing is that all keybindings are customizable.
People that don't want a keybinding for feature XYZ could leave the
gconf key empty and use the keybinding for some feature of their other
daily-use programs.
I think we should not stop adding more settings and tweakings if we can
disable them all. I like to have the freedom to do what I want (and
don't do what I don't want). Something that really annoys me with
Metacity and Gnome is that they tend to hide too much things. We have
the opportunity to make it better :-)


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