[compiz] g-w-d.c -> my head spins

Mirco Müller macslow at bangang.de
Thu Apr 6 05:38:33 PDT 2006

Greetings everybody!

	I started looking more thoroughly at gnome-window-decorator.c and now
my head spins and "hurts" and believe that I'm not going to achieve
anything serious in terms of tweakable shadows anytime soon. It's far
more difficult than I expected. While I (believe) to understand now the
shadows are drawn, I currently don't get why there are 12 shadow-quads
and not just 8 or 9. And why are the _shadow_quads only used in a
function that is not called before a theme/style is changed? Has every
window its own cairo-context? Furthermore there's no GL involved in
drawing the shadows/decorations. Am I correct to assume that GL is only
implicitly used via cairo, which is rendered through glitz in compiz'
case? Unfortunately the list goes on. I should have looked this deep
into g-w-d.c _before_ assuming I could add tweakable shadows to it. I'm
currently looking like a jackass and feel just dumb for not really
comprehending the code :/

Best regards...


email - macslow at bangang.de
www - http://macslow.thepimp.net
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