[compiz] Patch to wobbly snap for outputs

Mike Cook mcook at novell.com
Sat Dec 16 09:36:53 PST 2006

On Tue, Dec 13, 2006 at 11:00 AM, Mike Cook wrote: 
> Whoa!  There are definitely some issues to address here...  Kicker actually
> does set the struts right on those "inner" edges, which really throws things
> off in compiz.  I'll see if I can't put together a couple patches to try to do a
> better job of handling the struts when they're set, and hacking around the
> fact that gnome-panel doesn't set them (currently).

Alright, this patch should handle "inner" struts when they're properly set.  I
toyed with hacking around the fact that gnome-panel doesn't set the strut
size properly, but the window geometry doesn't seem reliable at the time
the struts are set, so we'll just have to get that fixed in gnome-panel (which
would then require some fixes in metacity to handle it, I expect).  Kicker
(and probably others) does seem to set them and so this should handle it.

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