[compiz] updating the AUTHORS file

Mirco Müller macslow at bangang.de
Thu Dec 28 07:49:27 PST 2006

Am Donnerstag, den 28.12.2006, 14:39 +0100 schrieb David Reveman:

> something with a different author name. I can probably get most
> contributors by manually going through the git history as I've always
> included the authors name in the commit message but it would save me
> some time if people could instead reply to this mail if they've done
> contributions that are not listed below.

	For reference... on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 (01:24:10 +0200) I posted the
initial patch to move compiz from libsvg/libsvg-cairo to librsvg on the
list. But I'm not sure how that finally ended up in git since Kristian
and you tweaked some bits of it to make it fit compiz coding style,
because I was not paying attention ;)

Best regards...

Mirco "MacSlow" Müller

email - macslow at bangang.de
www - http://macslow.thepimp.net
lowfat - http://macslow.thepimp.net/sponsor-it

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