[compiz] Re: General compiz questions

Wulf C. Krueger wk at mailstation.de
Thu Jun 8 14:42:06 PDT 2006

Hello Bjørn et al!

"BH" == Bjørn Haagensen <bhaagensen at gmail.com> writes:

 BH>         So basically my question is: What parts (plugins) of compiz
 BH> are part of the WM and which are "just" the CM? Which of the compiz
 BH> features, i. e. the cube and its rotation, could be handled
 BH> separately in a CM instead of a combined WM/CM?
 BH> Possibly not answering your question at all, but there were some
 BH> related discussions at the time when compiz was first
 BH> released. 

You basically hit the nail on the head. I had searched for such
discussions and found some but you suggesting people's names really
helped. Thanks!

Unfortunately, I found many discussions about metacity and compiz but
the one message that probably referred to the most relevant discussion
was a dead end:


Maybe someone can point me into the right direction based on this

I've literally searched for days and I've read hundreds of messages on
lots of different mailinglists on freedesktop.org but now I'm finally

 BH> If I completely missed the nail, just ignore this mail.

Not at all. I just dropped the subject for a while in the hope to maybe
get some answers to my other questions
(http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/compiz/2006-May/000184.html) from
David or someone else. 

Thanks again, Bjørn, you've spared me a few days of heavy-duty
googling. :-)

Grüße, Wulf

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