[compiz] Re: metacity theme support in gnome-window-decorator

Shawn Starr shawn.starr at rogers.com
Wed Sep 20 10:58:11 PDT 2006

On 9/20/06, David Reveman <davidr at novell.com> wrote:
> I played a little bit yesterday with adding metacity theme support to
> gwd and it looks like it's not going to be very hard. Hopefully I'll
> have it working in the next couple of days. What I've done is to rip out
> all the parts of the metacity code that is required for theme support
> (boxes.c, gradient.c, theme-parser.c, theme.c, util.c). Ideal would be
> if we could put this part of metacity in a libmetacity so it can be
> shared between gwd and metacity. Does that sound reasonable?
> I'll post some more details about this once I have it actually working.

Thank you David. I wonder if any KDE folks on this ML can comment about having compiz plugins work for KDE4's changes to kwin.

>It's worth noting that a theme rewrite is under way and will probably
>be merged soon:  http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=102547.
>Perhaps you want to include the new version?  Anyway, I know nothing
>about the theme code in metacity (theming has always been the part
>that is boring to me and which I really don't care about), so if you
>have questions, Havoc or Thomas would be the best ones to ask.

How could this best be shared between the KDE and GNOME camps? It would be nice if the plugins could work on both DEs thus allowing people to focus on writing plugins rather than GNOME or specific KDE interfaces?


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