[compiz] [BUG] No shadows on panel/menus unless shadow_radius is a multiple of 5

Filippo Pappalardo filippo at email.it
Fri Apr 13 07:27:18 PDT 2007

Greetings to everybody,

After erasing any previous compiz configuration, I recently installed
Compiz 0.5.0, compiling it from the official tarball and I must say the
whole experience is a bit smoother without the cruft of my past
experiments and (mis)configurations.

I had one problem though: no shadows on gnome-panel and menus, switching
back to 0.4 didn't help. Then I found this old thread [1] on the forums:
setting the shadow radius to 10 fixes the issue. I also found that any
x5 value will do: 5, 10, 15, 20... It used to do fine with a value of
16, before.

[1] http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?t=450


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