[compiz] Dual-screen compiz mostly working

Mick Semb Wever mick at wever.org
Wed Aug 1 00:50:50 PDT 2007

I have dual-screen compiz-fusion finally working on my ATI Radeon 
Mobility X600.
AIGLX was the way to go using MergedFB.

gentoo linux-2.6.22

But a number of remaining issues:

 - my second screen doesn't render properly. Compiz events cause it to 
redraw but application events do not cause a redraw!
This is a showstopper for me so i'm still using metacity when in dual-
screen setup.
I tried all sorts of tweaks onto my xorg.conf but nothing seemed to work.
I thought it was maybe DynamicClocks but turning it to "off" didn't help.
Do any of the compiz gurus know what might be at fault here or what i 
might do to provide better information on the bug?

 - my screens must be vertically positioned. Compiz doesn't render the 
full width when the screens are side by side. Even when vertically 
position i cannot have the second screen at 1600x1400 for the same reason.
Is this a limitation of compiz? Are there plans to fix/improve it?

 - my nautilus background (& desktop icons) disappear replaced with the 
partially transparent cube. I haven't quite pinned down what causes this 
but it does very rarely also occur on single-screen setup. Opening more 
applications seems to aggravate it occurring, and so does the Reflection 

 - my fonts are not nearly as clean and crisp under compiz as they are 
under metacity. It's like the fonts are thick and fuzzy under compiz. 
(I'm sure there's a correct terminology for that but i'm no expert).

any help would be greatly appreciated!


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supporting a cause we believe to be just." Abraham Lincoln
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