[compiz] Blur bugs and slowdown :(

Vasek Potocek vasek.potocek at post.cz
Wed Feb 28 18:20:47 PST 2007

>> Hello!
>> I don't expect myself to be of much use on this list, I have joined mainly to see how it all proceeds...
>> but I have experienced the same problem as Mr. Bellegarde. I noticed the artifacts copy some area of screen underneath 
>> it. It looks like twice enlarged with the center in bottom-left corner of screen. You can see what I'm talking about here:
>> http://kfe.fjfi.cvut.cz/~potocek/work/blur-problem.png
>> Of course, it happens only with 4xBilinear, too. Yes, and I can't see GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two in glxinfo. I'm 
>> using nVidia driver v. 9746 on a FX5200.
>> I hope this could be a bit helpful.
>> Vasek
>>>> I now use blur plugin thanx to window matching feature, thanx David ;)
>>>> I have some bugs:
>>>> http://hibbert.univ-lille3.fr/~cbellegarde/blur_4xbilinear_bug.png
>>>> Here, i have some artefacts bugs with 4xbilinear. This blur mode is fast! May 
>>>> be a Nvidia drivers bug...
> Thanks to both of you for your feedback. I found two issues in the
> 4xbilinear code that likely caused the drawing artifacts. Please check
> with the latest code and let me know if it's still causing issues.
> - David

It works fine now, the problem has been solved. Thank you!

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