[compiz] dbus introspection

Travis Watkins alleykat at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 20:14:22 PST 2007

On 2/27/07, Travis Watkins <alleykat at gmail.com> wrote:
> Alright, I'll redo it as an addition to the current dbus plugin and
> send in a patch. It might not be until tomorrow though.

Alright, here is my patch. A couple issues:
  * It doesn't seem to register any options for core,
dbusGetOptionsFromPath is failing for some reason
  * it doesn't include introspection for signals as I wasn't quite
sure where they belong
  * It doesn't register/unregister plugins and their screens/options
when you change active_plugins, it should do so
  * It probably leaks like a sieve :)

Also, it needs libxml2 but I wasn't sure how to include this in the
build system. I was doing my work with the standalone Makefile we use
for ported beryl plugins.

Travis Watkins
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