[compiz] Window Focus Changes When Dragging

Elijah Newren newren at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 09:55:47 PST 2007

On 1/15/07, Jan Niklas Hasse <jhasse at gmail.com> wrote:
> As i can remember this feature was in metacity before 2.16. But i don't
> know why they changed it.

I believe you're referring to not-raising-on-click (*any* click, not
just ones that start drag actions).  This was set as the default at
one point, I believe around GNOME 2.6 or so.  It was a really bad idea
in general, in addition to having some nasty side-effects with the
given implementation that existed at the time.  It is currently an
option in metacity, set with the key
/apps/metacity/general/raise_on_click.  However, raise_on_click is
different than the request that started this thread.  That request is
to raise on clicks *unless* the click could start a drag action, and
if the click could start a drag action then only raise on button
release if the mouse doesn't move sufficiently far between button
press and button release.

Hope that helps,

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