[compiz] KDesktop 3 transparency patch

Dennis Kasprzyk onestone at opencompositing.org
Wed Jun 6 08:05:54 PDT 2007


this patch adds support for real transparency to kdesktop. It adds two new 
composite manager related features. To activate the features kdesktop has to 
be started with the "--bg-transparency" option.

The first one allows you to change the opacity of the background image. This 
works currently with the beryl transparent cube and will also work with 
compiz once the transparent cube gets applied. To activate the feature add 
the following to your kdesktoprc:
[Background Common]
BackgroundOpacity=90 (0 = fully transparent / 100 = opaque)

The second feature allows compiz (and later maybe other composite managers) to 
tell kdesktop not to paint the background image 
("_COMPIZ_WALLPAPER_SUPPORTED" x atom). In this case compiz is able to paint 
a viewport dependent background or to make it even animated. This feature 
looks for changes to the x atom, so that kdesktop will automatically switch 
back to normal background if kwin gets started or compiz stops to render the 

This patch is against the current kde3 svn.

You can also find it with screenshots on 

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