[compiz] 0.4 release

Mike Cook mcook at novell.com
Fri Mar 2 12:14:46 PST 2007

>>> On Thu, Mar 1, 2007 at  8:03 AM, David Reveman wrote: 
>>>On Thu, 2007- 03- 01 at 12:57 - 0700, Mike Cook wrote:
>> Thanks, David, that seems to partially correct it...  Now if I use switcher
>> without the popup then it looks fine, but if I switch with the popup it
>> appears the texture is still clipped to the output while it zooms out, but as
>> soon as the zoom animation finishes the rest is painted (which is about one
>> second later).  It's more obvious if you use autorotate and the first window
>> it shows causes a rotate, but as soon as the zoom out is done any later
>> rotates are fine until you terminate the switch.
> I can't reproduce any of this, it looks fine for me.
> If you do this:
> 1. position window X so half of it is right of the screen.
> 2. Initiate switcher in normal mode using Alt- Tab.
> 3. Switch until you get to window X. (don't terminate the switcher) 
> 4. Initiate rotate using Control- Alt- Button1.
> 5. Rotate so you're in front of window X, which should be floating
> slightly above the cube.
> Is window X rendered correctly when doing this? It should be.

Yes, that appears to render fine...  As an update, I tried this update both
in SLED10 (with nVidia 9746 and Xgl) and openSUSE10.2 (with nVidia
9746 and their aiglx).  I see the problem with the clipping during switcher
zoom animation in SLED10, but I don't see that now in openSUSE (but
did previously).  I have two different sized outputs (1600x1200 & 
1280x1024) using an nVidia 7300 GS card.  I also verified that it started
with the updates around Jan 23-26, so looks like it may be related to
the change to use clipping planes like you suspected.

>> Also, I noticed I see the same clipping behavior if I drag move a window
>> to the edge and it triggers a rotate.
> That should definitely work. It's pretty easy to test, especially when
> using slow animations (Shift- f10), right? I don't know why it's broken
> for you, maybe clip planes are broken in your driver. What HW/driver are
> you using?

I see this problem on both SLED10 and openSUSE.  Here's a partial
screenshot of what I'm seeing when dragging a window over the edge to
trigger a rotate.  (Basically on the left output I see the left half of each cube
face, and on the right output I see the right half of each cube face).

(Note that I the tearing is just an artifact of trying to get a screenshot during animation.)


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