[compiz] dbus introspection

Mike Dransfield mike at blueroot.co.uk
Sun Mar 4 11:36:03 PST 2007

Travis Watkins wrote:
> Remaining problems:
>  * need to figure out what to do with activate/deactivate

Could you try this patch and let me know if it works when you
set the signature to "a{sv}", in theory it should work.  It looks
like the python dbus bindings check the introspection data before
sending a dictionary type because it could differ depending on
what is in the data.

I tried it with a simple test script but it failed because the Introspect
function did not return, I might have another go later but I am using
python 2.4.

I was testing with this simple script

import dbus

COMPIZ_DBUS_DESTINATION = 'org.freedesktop.compiz'
COMPIZ_DBUS_ROOT_OBJ_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/compiz/%s'
COMPIZ_DBUS_INTERFACE = 'org.freedesktop.compiz'

bus = dbus.SessionBus()

data = {'root': 0x1a5, 'something_else': 'blah'}

rotate_obj = bus.get_object(COMPIZ_DBUS_DESTINATION, 
COMPIZ_DBUS_ROOT_OBJ_PATH % 'rotate/allscreens/rotate_right')
rotate_iface = dbus.Interface(rotate_obj, COMPIZ_DBUS_INTERFACE)
-------------- next part --------------
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