[compiz] [PATCH] CompWindowActionMoveMask (move plugin)

Bellegarde Cedric gnumdk at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 15:34:24 PST 2007

Le lundi 5 mars 2007, vous avez écrit :
> I have not looked at this problem yet. How is _NET_WM_ACTION_MOVE
> removed from the list of allowed actions?
> - David

winrules plugin use a copy of compiz setWindowActions()  as it's not available 
in compiz.h, maybe i'm missing something.... 
It should be cool to have access to it instead of duplicate code. 

But i've got another problem with that:

When a window emit a PropertyNotify with XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS, compiz 
handleEvents() call updateNormalHints () and recalcWindowActions () calling 
So, when winrules plugin set an action restriction, it is removed by 
recalcWindowActions (). For exemple, every Kde apps living in systray emit 
such a PropertyNotify after MapNotify.

I have looked at kwin code, they do the same but at the end, they call an 
updateAllowedActions() function not reseting locked actions.

Maybe we can add a restrictActionMask to CompWindow allowing plugins to set 
actions that should not be updated by setWindowActions() ?


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