[compiz] Some edgebutton bugs.

Mike Dransfield mike at blueroot.co.uk
Tue Mar 6 07:23:32 PST 2007

Fredrik Karlsson wrote:
> some bugs i would see fixed is when using edgebutton in scale.
> The first is initiate_group_edgebutton don't seem to work at all. The second 
> is when using it on initate and initate_all, it sometimes seem to stop 
> working all together, though this is the case also without using edgebutton, 
> maybe after doing some config changes in gconf.

The initiate group problem is caused by the action receiving
the window id of the edge window rather than the active window
when edgebutton is used.

Sorry there is no patch, I wasn't sure where best to add the fix.

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