[compiz] xsltproc, schemas.xslt

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Tue May 15 02:05:52 PDT 2007

David Reveman wrote:
> xsltproc is distributed as part of the libxslt package, hence separating
> xsltproc and the libxslt.pc file like ubuntu has done seems like a
> mistake to me but I guess it doesn't hurt to include a check to ensure
> that the binary is present so I've included your patch.

FYI, Mandriva packages it this way too. I did have it installed so
wouldn't have noticed.

Just because a tarball will result in the building of a binary, does not
mean that you have to include all the files created via make install in
that tarball. Most packages have libXXX and libXXX-devel etc.
subpackages created from them and splitting out different
modules/plugins/binaries is fairly common practice too.

The pkgconfig check will check that the library development headers are
installed but I would argue it doesn't mean that an example application
built on that library is installed.

So I think the patch is correct like you say, and to be honest I've no
idea why I even bothered to write this mail as you've put the patch in,
but I just thought I'd wax lyrical for a bit :p


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