[compiz] [PATCH] Descriptions for dbus when plugin not loaded

David Reveman davidr at novell.com
Thu May 17 11:48:33 PDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 19:23 +0100, Mike Dransfield wrote:
> Here is a quick patch for dbus to make it try to load the
> metadata from a file if the plugin is not loaded.
> I have tested it and it works fine, but I wanted to check to
> see if you had something else in mind.

Yes, I think we should load/initialize and read the metadata from
plugins. Some minor changes need to be made to the plugin system before
we're able to load and initialize a plugin without activating it but it
should be easy to fix.

BTW, I'm not very interested in just returning the descriptions.
The GetPluginMetadata method should return an array of full meta data
documents. This needs to be supported by the dbus plugin before we can
remove plugin dependencies from the core.

- David

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