[compiz] state plugin
Kresimir Kukulj
madmax at iskon.hr
Fri May 18 09:48:23 PDT 2007
Mike Dransfield wrote:
> Kresimir Kukulj wrote:
>> Robert Carr wrote:
>>> The Compiz-scheme can function as a state plugin of sorts. It embeds
>>> the Guile interpreter for the Scheme language in to a Compiz plugin
>>> and provides bindings/hooks in to events.
>>> You can find it at http://gitweb.opencompositing.org
>>> (compcomm/plugins/compiz-scheme) it has an example startup file with
>>> commented snippets including state like usage and a few other
>>> documentation and tutorial files.
>>> As to porting the original state plugin, there isn't really any
>>> documentation on ... anything, though I think the winrules plugin
>>> (also at gitweb.opencompositing.org) does something similar.
>> Thanks for the info. I just looked at compiz-scheme and it seems to be
>> able to to what I want, but it may take me some time to figure scheme :)
>> Looks really nice :)
>> move-window window dx dy - Move window by dx and dy in the x and y
>> coordinates respectively.
>> move-window-to window pos-x pos-y - Move window window to pos-x and
>> pos-y. No checking is done for viewport bounds.
>> x,y are top left corner ? I may hardcode coordinates for each desktop.
>> Is there a way to know how big desktop is and how many sides my cube
>> plugin uses so I could divide that and get start coordinates of each
>> viewport ?
>> Also, is there a way to remove window decoration from a specific window
>> ? Cant find it in you docs.
> This is already built into the decoration plugin.
> You can set the decoration/allscreens/decoration_match to
> any valid window match string. For example to not have
> borders on all firefox windows then you should set it to
> any & !class=Firefox-bin
> For more information on window matching see here:
> http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?t=605
> and here for the original announcement
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/compiz/2007-February/001448.html
It does exactly what I want.
Maybe this should be put to some docs section.
>>> On 5/17/07, Kresimir Kukulj <madmax at iskon.hr> wrote:
>>>> hi,
>>>> I saw that Mike Dransfield tried to port 'state' plugin from beryl.
>>>> What does it do? It should be able to place windows, based on name,
>>>> class etc., to specific viewports. I recently converted to compiz window
>>>> manager from WindowMaker (used it for 8 years), and I miss automatic
>>>> 'pinning' of specific windows to particular workspace (or viewport in
>>>> this case).
>>>> Mike's old port can be found here:
>>>> http://www.anykeysoftware.co.uk/compiz/plugins/state.tar.gz
>>>> This is a bit old and does not use new plugin system for options
>>>> (metadata). I am tyring to see if it could be tweaked to new plugin
>>>> infrastructure, but it is not trivial (or at least not for me :)).
>>>> Can someone point me to some documentation so I could port this.
>>>> Or is this functionality already planned for compiz (or maybe someone
>>>> already has functonal plugin?).
>>>> Regards
>>>> Kresimir
>>>> --
>>>> Kresimir Kukulj madmax at iskon.hr
>>>> +--------------------------------------------------+
>>>> Remember, if you break Debian, you get to keep both parts.
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Kresimir Kukulj madmax at iskon.hr
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