[compiz] Crash in blur.c (SIGSEGV)
Artur Uszyński
arus at poczta.onet.pl
Sat May 19 03:14:47 PDT 2007
System info:
OS: FC6 x86_64
video: Nvidia GF 7900 GT, driver version 97.55
compiz version: git
config backend used: ccp
I can reproduce this crash every time on my system. When blur plugin is active and I try to access any right-click menu, regular application menu or drop-down list, compiz crashes. Backtrace produced by crashhandler plugin shows crash in blur.c in function blurWindowResizeNotify, in the following line:
if (bw->state[BLUR_STATE_CLIENT].threshold ||
The values of bw seem to be wrong and IMO indicate classic problem with null or uninitialized pointer (although I'm not a programmer):
bw = (BlurWindow *) 0x0
Sometimes instead of 0x0 I get values like 0x40 or 0x33373b3338393932, which don't seem to be right either.
After restarting compiz and immediately accessing exactly the same object (for example repeating right-click on desktop) crash does not happen, but then accessing other similar object crashes compiz again.
After commenting out the whole "if" statement mentioned above compiz no longer crashes, but probably graphics glitches are introduced instead.
There was a report including similar description sent on Wed Feb 21 04:34:20 PST 2007:
> > When I start blurdemo, that works too. The problem is that sometimes
> > changing the filter type crashes compiz. If I run it under a debugger
> > it starts working again. All the filter types work with blurdemo.
"changing the filter type" might be a symptom of the same problem (accessing drop-down list).
Here is exemplary backtrace:
Thread 1 (Thread 46912509935360 (LWP 6335)):
#0 0x0000003be36942f5 in waitpid () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#1 0x0000003be363bd13 in do_system () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#2 0x00002aaaad0d42d6 in crash_handler (sig=11) at crashhandler.c:50
count = 1
#3 <signal handler called>
#4 blurWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0) at blur.c:2273
bw = (BlurWindow *) 0x0
bs = (BlurScreen *) 0xcc2130
#5 0x00002aaaae94879b in decorWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0)
at decoration.c:1148
ds = (DecorScreen *) 0xce9b10
#6 0x00002aaaaef52af2 in resizeWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=5, dwidth=8120592, dheight=0)
at resize.c:770
rd = (ResizeDisplay *) 0xcc2ed0
rs = (ResizeScreen *) 0xd24800
#7 0x00002aaaaf172a21 in animWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0)
at animation.c:8217
as = (AnimScreen *) 0xd6c2c0
aw = (AnimWindow *) 0x1e6cd70
#8 0x00002aaaaf37be56 in wobblyWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0)
at wobbly.c:2429
ws = (WobblyScreen *) 0xdf85c0
ww = (WobblyWindow *) 0x1e601e0
#9 0x00002aaaaf582806 in fadeWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0) at fade.c:623
fs = (FadeScreen *) 0xdeb900
#10 0x00002aaaaf9991dd in groupWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0)
at group.c:1444
gs = (GroupScreen *) 0xe85380
gd = (GroupDisplay *) 0xe64a10
gw = (GroupWindow *) 0x1e664e0
#11 0x0000000000415e1b in updateWindowOutputExtents (w=0x1e67540) at window.c:1216
output = {left = 9, right = 9, top = 7, bottom = 11}
#12 0x00002aaaae948468 in decorWindowUpdate (w=0x1e67540, move=<value optimized out>) at decoration.c:756
wd = (WindowDecoration *) 0x0
old = (Decoration *) 0x0
decor = (Decoration *) 0xcdcc30
decorate = <value optimized out>
dd = <value optimized out>
ds = (DecorScreen *) 0xce9b10
dw = (DecorWindow *) 0x1e60200
#13 0x00002aaaae94902a in decorInitWindow (p=<value optimized out>, w=0x1e67540) at decoration.c:1343
No locals.
#14 0x000000000042380a in windowInitPlugins (w=0x1e67540) at plugin.c:391
p = (CompPlugin *) 0xcc1cb0
#15 0x000000000041c918 in addWindow (screen=0x7be910, id=<value optimized out>, aboveId=20989985)
at window.c:2132
w = (CompWindow *) 0x1e67540
#16 0x000000000041e832 in handleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at event.c:1249
raise = <value optimized out>
delay = <value optimized out>
s = (CompScreen *) 0x7be910
w = <value optimized out>
#17 0x00002aaaacac355d in thumbHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at thumbnail.c:588
td = (ThumbDisplay *) 0x8ceb30
w = (CompWindow *) 0x81b460
#18 0x00002aaaad2de65a in ringHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at ring.c:1498
rd = (RingDisplay *) 0xbdd9c0
#19 0x00002aaaad8f40f9 in NEGHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at neg.c:570
w = (CompWindow *) 0x1
nd = (NEGDisplay *) 0xc36550
#20 0x00002aaaae30a3b2 in zoomHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at zoom.c:537
s = (CompScreen *) 0x7fff0f24ad30
zd = (ZoomDisplay *) 0xc732e0
#21 0x00002aaaae5135f5 in blurHandleEvent (d=0x1e67540, event=0x0) at blur.c:2210
activeWindow = 20971530
bd = (BlurDisplay *) 0xc80dc0
#22 0x00002aaaae9495ed in decorHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at decoration.c:910
activeWindow = 20971530
w = <value optimized out>
dd = (DecorDisplay *) 0xce2470
#23 0x00002aaaaeb4c593 in regexHandleEvent (d=0x1e67540, event=0x0) at regex.c:265
rd = (RegexDisplay *) 0xd15ba0
#24 0x00002aaaaed4f894 in moveHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at move.c:673
o = {{name = 0x40001000c <Address 0x40001000c out of bounds>, type = CompOptionTypeBool, value = {
b = 0, i = 0, f = 0, s = 0x0, c = {0, 0, 0, 0}, action = {initiate = 0, terminate = 0, state = 0,
type = CompBindingTypeNone, key = {keycode = 0, modifiers = 0}, button = {button = 0,
modifiers = 0}, bell = 0, edgeMask = 0, edgeButton = 0, priv = {ptr = 0x0, val = 0, uval = 0,
fptr = 0}}, match = {display = 0x0, op = 0x0, nOp = 0}, list = {type = CompOptionTypeBool,
value = 0x0, nValue = 0}}, rest = {i = {min = 0, max = 24}, f = {min = 0, max = 3.36311631e-44,
precision = 1.12103877e-44}, s = {string = 0x1800000000, nString = 8}}}, {
name = 0x440 <Address 0x440 out of bounds>, type = 240058368, value = {b = 8496904, i = 8496904,
f = 1.19066985e-38, s = 0x81a708 "\204\001", c = {42760, 129, 0, 0}, action = {initiate = 0x81a708,
terminate = 0x1, state = 0, type = CompBindingTypeNone, key = {keycode = -1424845419,
modifiers = 10922}, button = {button = 0, modifiers = 0}, bell = 7, edgeMask = 0,
edgeButton = -1406796537, priv = {ptr = 0xab882010, val = 2877825040, uval = 2877825040,
fptr = 0xab882010}}, match = {display = 0x81a708, op = 0x1, nOp = 0}, list = {type = 8496904,
value = 0x1, nValue = 0}}, rest = {i = {min = 8662696, max = 1984}, f = {min = 1.21390226e-38,
max = 2.78017615e-42, precision = 2.78017615e-42}, s = {string = 0x7c000842ea8, nString = 1984}}}, {
name = 0x0, type = 1024, value = {b = 2, i = 2, f = 2.80259693e-45,
s = 0x2aaa00000002 <Address 0x2aaa00000002 out of bounds>, c = {2, 0, 10922, 0}, action = {
initiate = 0x2aaa00000002, terminate = 0x7fff0f24a070, state = 2174938176,
type = CompBindingTypeNone, key = {keycode = -1, modifiers = 0}, button = {button = 4194368,
modifiers = 4112}, bell = -1423247035, edgeMask = 10922, edgeButton = 0, priv = {ptr = 0x1,
val = 1, uval = 1, fptr = 0x1}}, match = {display = 0x2aaa00000002, op = 0x7fff0f24a070,
nOp = -2120029120}, list = {type = CompOptionTypeFloat, value = 0x7fff0f24a070,
nValue = -2120029120}}, rest = {i = {min = -1420014992, max = 10922}, f = {min = -7.82630037e-13,
max = 1.53049818e-41, precision = 7.17464814e-43}, s = {string = 0x2aaaab5c4a70, nString = 512}}}, {
name = 0x8 <Address 0x8 out of bounds>, type = 10, value = {b = 254059488, i = 254059488,
f = 8.11738546e-30, s = 0x7fff0f24a3e0 "\b\201", c = {41952, 3876, 32767, 0}, action = {
initiate = 0x7fff0f24a3e0, terminate = 0x7fff0f24a470, state = 0, type = CompBindingTypeNone, key = {
keycode = 7, modifiers = 0}, button = {button = 0, modifiers = 0}, bell = 8496904, edgeMask = 0,
edgeButton = 67043328, priv = {ptr = 0x81b460, val = 8500320, uval = 8500320, fptr = 0x81b460}},
match = {display = 0x7fff0f24a3e0, op = 0x7fff0f24a470, nOp = 0}, list = {type = 254059488,
value = 0x7fff0f24a470, nValue = 0}}, rest = {i = {min = 5308416, max = 0}, f = {
min = 7.43867519e-39, max = 0, precision = -0.466812164}, s = {string = 0x510000,
nString = -1091632639}}}}
xRoot = 0
yRoot = 1
action = (CompAction *) 0xd162a0
w = (CompWindow *) 0xded3c0
s = (CompScreen *) 0x7be910
md = (MoveDisplay *) 0xcbc030
#25 0x00002aaaaef5420a in resizeHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at resize.c:742
o = {{name = 0x81b460 "\006", type = 2871078150, value = {b = 8096880, i = 8096880,
f = 1.13461455e-38, s = 0x7b8c70 "`\201", c = {35952, 123, 0, 0}, action = {initiate = 0x7b8c70,
terminate = 0xab212d06, state = 8500448, type = CompBindingTypeNone, key = {keycode = 0,
modifiers = 10922}, button = {button = 8500448, modifiers = 0}, bell = 0, edgeMask = 10922,
edgeButton = -2147483648, priv = {ptr = 0x3f8000003f800000, val = 4575657222473777152,
uval = 4575657222473777152, fptr = 0x3f8000003f800000}}, match = {display = 0x7b8c70,
op = 0xab212d06, nOp = 8500448}, list = {type = 8096880, value = 0xab212d06, nValue = 8500448}},
rest = {i = {min = 8500320, max = 0}, f = {min = 1.19114854e-38, max = 0, precision = 1.19066985e-38},
s = {string = 0x81b460, nString = 8496904}}}, {
name = 0x41f0000000000000 <Address 0x41f0000000000000 out of bounds>, type = 1109393408, value = {
b = 1106247680, i = 1106247680, f = 30,
s = 0x4204000041f00000 <Address 0x4204000041f00000 out of bounds>, c = {0, 16880, 0, 16900}, action = {
initiate = 0x4204000041f00000, terminate = 0x7fff0f24a2c0, state = 254059024, type = 1065353216,
key = {keycode = 1065353216, modifiers = 1088421888}, button = {button = 7, modifiers = 0},
bell = 0, edgeMask = 0, edgeButton = 0, priv = {ptr = 0x42f0000000002000, val = 4823355200913809408,
uval = 4823355200913809408, fptr = 0x42f0000000002000}}, match = {display = 0x4204000041f00000,
op = 0x7fff0f24a2c0, nOp = 254059024}, list = {type = 1106247680, value = 0x7fff0f24a2c0,
nValue = 254059024}}, rest = {i = {min = 0, max = 1124335616}, f = {min = 0, max = 132,
precision = 0}, s = {string = 0x4304000000000000, nString = 0}}}, {
name = 0x50000000400 <Address 0x50000000400 out of bounds>, type = CompOptionTypeBool, value = {b = 0,
i = 0, f = 0, s = 0x0, c = {0, 0, 0, 0}, action = {initiate = 0, terminate = 0x100000001,
state = 1123024896, type = 1124335616, key = {keycode = 1149976576, modifiers = 1151950848},
button = {button = 30, modifiers = 1256}, bell = 0, edgeMask = 1223, edgeButton = 65548, priv = {
ptr = 0x0, val = 0, uval = 0, fptr = 0}}, match = {display = 0x0, op = 0x100000001,
nOp = 1123024896}, list = {type = CompOptionTypeBool, value = 0x100000001, nValue = 1123024896}},
rest = {i = {min = 0, max = 0}, f = {min = 0, max = 0, precision = 0}, s = {string = 0x0,
nString = 0}}}, {name = 0x0, type = CompOptionTypeBool, value = {b = 0, i = 0, f = 0, s = 0x0, c = {
0, 0, 0, 0}, action = {initiate = 0, terminate = 0, state = 0, type = CompBindingTypeNone, key = {
keycode = 0, modifiers = 0}, button = {button = 0, modifiers = 24}, bell = 8, edgeMask = 10,
edgeButton = 65548, priv = {ptr = 0x0, val = 0, uval = 0, fptr = 0}}, match = {display = 0x0,
op = 0x0, nOp = 0}, list = {type = CompOptionTypeBool, value = 0x0, nValue = 0}}, rest = {i = {
min = 0, max = 0}, f = {min = 0, max = 0, precision = 8.1176262e-30}, s = {string = 0x0,
nString = 254059808}}}, {name = 0x7fff0f24a490 "", type = CompOptionTypeBool, value = {b = 0, i = 0,
f = 0, s = 0x0, c = {0, 0, 0, 0}, action = {initiate = 0, terminate = 0x7fff0f24a400, state = 0,
type = 2048, key = {keycode = 512, modifiers = 0}, button = {button = 8500448, modifiers = 0},
bell = 2048, edgeMask = 0, edgeButton = 4, priv = {ptr = 0x800000200, val = 34359738880,
uval = 34359738880, fptr = 0x800000200}}, match = {display = 0x0, op = 0x7fff0f24a400, nOp = 0},
list = {type = CompOptionTypeBool, value = 0x7fff0f24a400, nValue = 0}}, rest = {i = {min = 8,
max = 0}, f = {min = 1.12103877e-44, max = 0, precision = 1.40129846e-44}, s = {string = 0x8,
nString = 10}}}, {name = 0x7fff0f24a690 "", type = 254060320, value = {b = 65548, i = 65548,
f = 9.18523117e-41, s = 0x40001000c <Address 0x40001000c out of bounds>, c = {12, 1, 4, 0}, action = {
initiate = 0x40001000c, terminate = 0x7, state = 2888170759, type = 16777216, key = {
keycode = -1417142256, modifiers = 10922}, button = {button = 8662696, modifiers = 0}, bell = 0,
edgeMask = 1, edgeButton = 0, priv = {ptr = 0x0, val = 0, uval = 0, fptr = 0}}, match = {
display = 0x40001000c, op = 0x7, nOp = -1406796537}, list = {type = 65548, value = 0x7,
nValue = -1406796537}}, rest = {i = {min = 0, max = 0}, f = {min = 0, max = 0, precision = 0}, s = {
string = 0x0, nString = 0}}}}
action = (CompAction *) 0xd162a0
w = (CompWindow *) 0xded3c0
s = (CompScreen *) 0x7be910
rd = (ResizeDisplay *) 0xcc2ed0
mask = {5, 1, 9, 8, 10, 2, 6, 4}
#26 0x00002aaaaf17198b in animHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at animation.c:7834
w = (CompWindow *) 0x6481b0
ad = (AnimDisplay *) 0xd48c80
#27 0x00002aaaaf37eb48 in wobblyHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at wobbly.c:2186
activeWindow = 20971530
w = (CompWindow *) 0x633f00
s = <value optimized out>
wd = (WobblyDisplay *) 0xded3c0
#28 0x00002aaaaf5830da in fadeHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at fade.c:537
w = (CompWindow *) 0x7fff0f24a630
fd = (FadeDisplay *) 0xd162a0
#29 0x00002aaaaf786887 in opacifyHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at opacify.c:341
s = (CompScreen *) 0xa00
w = (CompWindow *) 0x0
od = (OpacifyDisplay *) 0xdef210
#30 0x00002aaaaf998520 in groupHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at group.c:1249
gd = (GroupDisplay *) 0xe64a10
#31 0x00002aaaafbb9112 in trailfocusHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at trailfocus.c:231
td = (TrailfocusDisplay *) 0xe66ad0
s = (CompScreen *) 0x0
#32 0x00002aaab0440a28 in switchHandleEvent (d=0x1e67540, event=0x0) at switcher.c:1120
sd = (SwitchDisplay *) 0xf5ee00
#33 0x00002aaab0646a50 in rotateHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at rotate.c:1471
s = (CompScreen *) 0x633f00
rd = (RotateDisplay *) 0xfde0b0
#34 0x00002aaab084dfeb in scaleHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at scale.c:1673
s = <value optimized out>
sd = (ScaleDisplay *) 0xfe0220
#35 0x000000000040d750 in eventLoop () at display.c:1503
event = {type = 16, xany = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0,
window = 421}, xkey = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421,
root = 20989986, subwindow = 1318554960192, time = 1756641624704, x = 0, y = 0, x_root = 65142784,
y_root = 1967360, state = 1, keycode = 2, same_screen = 1}, xbutton = {type = 16, serial = 10885,
send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421, root = 20989986, subwindow = 1318554960192,
time = 1756641624704, x = 0, y = 0, x_root = 65142784, y_root = 1967360, state = 1, button = 2,
same_screen = 1}, xmotion = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0,
window = 421, root = 20989986, subwindow = 1318554960192, time = 1756641624704, x = 0, y = 0,
x_root = 65142784, y_root = 1967360, state = 1, is_hint = 2 '\002', same_screen = 1}, xcrossing = {
type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421, root = 20989986,
subwindow = 1318554960192, time = 1756641624704, x = 0, y = 0, x_root = 65142784, y_root = 1967360,
mode = 1, detail = 2, same_screen = 1, focus = 1, state = 1024}, xfocus = {type = 16, serial = 10885,
send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421, mode = 20989986, detail = 0}, xexpose = {type = 16,
serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421, x = 20989986, y = 0, width = 320,
height = 307, count = 640}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0,
display = 0x6481b0, drawable = 421, x = 20989986, y = 0, width = 320, height = 307, count = 640,
major_code = 409, minor_code = 0}, xnoexpose = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0,
display = 0x6481b0, drawable = 421, major_code = 20989986, minor_code = 0}, xvisibility = {type = 16,
serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421, state = 20989986}, xcreatewindow = {
type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, parent = 421, window = 20989986, x = 320,
y = 307, width = 640, height = 409, border_width = 0, override_redirect = 0}, xdestroywindow = {
type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, event = 421, window = 20989986},
xunmap = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, event = 421, window = 20989986,
from_configure = 320}, xmap = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0,
event = 421, window = 20989986, override_redirect = 320}, xmaprequest = {type = 16, serial = 10885,
send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, parent = 421, window = 20989986}, xreparent = {type = 16,
serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, event = 421, window = 20989986,
parent = 1318554960192, x = 640, y = 409, override_redirect = 0}, xconfigure = {type = 16,
serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, event = 421, window = 20989986, x = 320, y = 307,
width = 640, height = 409, border_width = 0, above = 8449746924601344, override_redirect = 1},
xgravity = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, event = 421, window = 20989986,
x = 320, y = 307}, xresizerequest = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0,
window = 421, width = 20989986, height = 0}, xconfigurerequest = {type = 16, serial = 10885,
send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, parent = 421, window = 20989986, x = 320, y = 307, width = 640,
height = 409, border_width = 0, above = 8449746924601344, detail = 1, value_mask = 4294967297},
xcirculate = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, event = 421,
window = 20989986, place = 320}, xcirculaterequest = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0,
display = 0x6481b0, parent = 421, window = 20989986, place = 320}, xproperty = {type = 16,
serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421, atom = 20989986, time = 1318554960192,
state = 640}, xselectionclear = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0,
window = 421, selection = 20989986, time = 1318554960192}, xselectionrequest = {type = 16,
serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, owner = 421, requestor = 20989986,
selection = 1318554960192, target = 1756641624704, property = 0, time = 8449746924601344}, xselection = {
type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, requestor = 421, selection = 20989986,
target = 1318554960192, property = 1756641624704, time = 0}, xcolormap = {type = 16, serial = 10885,
send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421, colormap = 20989986, new = 320, state = 307},
xclient = {type = 16, serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421,
message_type = 20989986, format = 320, data = {
b = "\200\002\000\000\231\001", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "�003", s = {640, 0, 409, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
994}, l = {1756641624704, 0, 8449746924601344, 8589934593, 4294967297}}}, xmapping = {type = 16,
serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421, request = 20989986, first_keycode = 0,
count = 320}, xerror = {type = 16, display = 0x2a85, resourceid = 0, serial = 6586800,
error_code = 165 '', request_code = 1 '\001', minor_code = 0 '\0'}, xkeymap = {type = 16,
serial = 10885, send_event = 0, display = 0x6481b0, window = 421,
key_vector = ""H@\001\000\000\000\000@\001\000\0003\001\000\000\200\002\000\000\231\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, pad = {16, 10885, 0, 6586800, 421, 20989986, 1318554960192, 1756641624704, 0,
8449746924601344, 8589934593, 4294967297, 1024, 0 <repeats 11 times>}}
timeDiff = <value optimized out>
i = <value optimized out>
tv = {tv_sec = 1179566970, tv_usec = 303947}
tmpRegion = (Region) 0x8cc440
outputRegion = (Region) 0x8cc490
display = (CompDisplay *) 0x633f00
s = <value optimized out>
time = <value optimized out>
timeToNextRedraw = <value optimized out>
w = <value optimized out>
damageMask = <value optimized out>
mask = <value optimized out>
#36 0x000000000040a686 in main (argc=254062200, argv=0x1) at main.c:401
size = 1
ctx = {offset = 3694, pluginData = 0x6365e0 "\001", textureFilterData = 0x0, refreshRateData = 0x0}
displayName = 0x0
plugin = {0x7fff0f24c823 "ccp", 0x0, 0x40578c "libc.so.6",
0x3be320b7d6 "H\213]�\211�\205�017\205A\001", 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 0x2aaaaaca1e28 "",
0x7fff0f24ae60 "\001", 0x3be320d875 "\205�#H\213[8H\205�\v�H\213[\bH\205�\033H\2133H\211�Xg",
0x40576c "libm.so.6", 0x2aaaaaaab000 "", 0x3be3e01b5f "", 0x3be3207c80 "\205��\201�\003",
0x7fff0f24ae90 "\001", 0x0, 0x405744 "libdl.so.2", 0x3be320b7d6 "H\213]�\211�\205�017\205A\001",
0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 0x2aaaaaca14b8 "", 0x7fff0f24aec0 "_\033�;",
0x90000101 <Address 0x90000101 out of bounds>, 0x2 <Address 0x2 out of bounds>,
0x3be320b7d6 "H\213]�\211�\205�017\205A\001", 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 0x2aaaaaca1000 "",
0x7fff0f24aef0 "\001", 0x0, 0x40529f "libXext.so.6", 0x3be320b7d6 "H\213]�\211�\205�017\205A\001",
0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 0x2aaaaaad8948 "", 0x7fff0f24af20 "\001", 0x0, 0x404f47 "libGL.so.1",
0x3be320b7d6 "H\213]�\211�\205�017\205A\001", 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 0x2aaaaaad8468 "",
0x7fff0f24af50 "\001", 0x0, 0x404d7b "libstartup-notification-1.so.0",
0x3be320b7d6 "H\213]�\211�\205�017\205A\001", 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 0x2aaaaaad7f98 "",
0x7fff0f24af80 "\001", 0x0, 0x404d1b "libxml2.so.2", 0x3be320b7d6 "H\213]�\211�\205�017\205A\001",
0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>,
0x3be3208c87 "\205�017\204dA\213D$\f\205�017\205U\205�\220\017\205KfE\205�017\211C�H\205�017\2045\213C8\017\fB\213C4\203�002\203\001\211�031�201�\177", 0x7fff0f24afb0 "\001",
0x2aaaab7d67a0 "�"ʪ*", 0x12 <Address 0x12 out of bounds>, 0x19 <Address 0x19 out of bounds>,
0x7c96f087 <Address 0x7c96f087 out of bounds>, 0x3be3209084 "H\205��f\220L\213D$H1A\017",
0x7fff0f24afe0 "\001", 0x7fff0f24b050 "", 0x7c96f086 <Address 0x7c96f086 out of bounds>,
0x7fff0f24b1c0 "\020`�002", 0x7fff0f24b1d8 "@]\224�", 0x3be3603a78 "", 0x0, 0x2aaaab7d7348 "\024\b �",
0x2aaaaaca22e0 "", 0x3be32007fa "free", 0x3be360fd30 "", 0x3be32004a0 "J\001", 0x0,
0x100000811 <Address 0x100000811 out of bounds>, 0x404b6f "libSM.so.6",
0x3be3208c87 "\205�017\204dA\213D$\f\205�017\205U\205�\220\017\205KfE\205�017\211C�H\205�017\2045\213C8\017\fB\213C4\203�002\203\001\211�031�201�\177", 0x7fff0f24b210 "",
0x2aaaab7d67a0 "�"ʪ*", 0x12 <Address 0x12 out of bounds>, 0x19 <Address 0x19 out of bounds>,
0xd827590 <Address 0xd827590 out of bounds>, 0x3be3209084 "H\205��f\220L\213D$H1A\017", 0x0,
0x7fff0f24b100 "", 0xd827590 <Address 0xd827590 out of bounds>, 0x7fff0f24b270 "0\235`�",
0x7fff0f24b288 "y:<\a", 0x3be3603a78 "", 0x0, 0x2aaaab7d6e08 "\207*", 0x2aaaaaca22e0 "",
0x2aaaaaaee75e "memcpy", 0x3be360fd30 "", 0x2aaaaaae5080 "&\001",
0x100000000 <Address 0x100000000 out of bounds>, 0x10000041d <Address 0x10000041d out of bounds>,
0x3be341a5e8 "", 0x2aaaaaad8cb0 "*", 0x64 <Address 0x64 out of bounds>,
0x3be36510b6 "D\213\205\215C�\215e\001<SwfH\215\025\231\023\f",
0xd827590 <Address 0xd827590 out of bounds>, 0x7fffffffffff <Address 0x7fffffffffff out of bounds>, 0x0,
0x3be3209282 "\205�\213\225\017\217�001", 0x0, 0x2aaaab7d6e08 "\207*",
0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 0x0, 0x7fff00000001 <Address 0x7fff00000001 out of bounds>, 0x0,
0x7fff0f24b5a0 "", 0x0, 0x2e360fc10 <Address 0x2e360fc10 out of bounds>,
0xffffffff <Address 0xffffffff out of bounds>, 0x3be3948580 "@]\224�", 0x3be3945d40 "V\201q�",
0x2aaaaaad8ca8 "\020\214*", 0x10000000a <Address 0x10000000a out of bounds>, 0x3be37184d5 ".", 0x0,
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7fff0f24ad50 "\001", 0x100 <Address 0x100 out of bounds>,
0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, 0x0, 0x3b00000000 <Address 0x3b00000000 out of bounds>, 0x0,
0x2aaaab7d67b8 "\2204ʪ*", 0x15 <Address 0x15 out of bounds>, 0x19 <Address 0x19 out of bounds>,
0x3be3609d30 "QE", 0x2aaaaaca22e0 "", 0x12 <Address 0x12 out of bounds>,
0x73c3a79 <Address 0x73c3a79 out of bounds>, 0x7fff0f24c812 "compiz",
0x1c5868 <Address 0x1c5868 out of bounds>, 0x2aaaaac7a780 "", 0x3 <Address 0x3 out of bounds>,
0xaac82b50 <Address 0xaac82b50 out of bounds>, 0x482 <Address 0x482 out of bounds>,
0x2aaaaaad9000 "\177ELF\002\001\001", 0x7fff0f24ad50 "\001",
0x7fff00000001 <Address 0x7fff00000001 out of bounds>, 0x0, 0x7fff0f24c812 "compiz",
0x3be3209af6 "�220H\215\025-�, 0x3be3609d30 "QE", 0x7fff0f24b390 "dH\213\004%p\207\214 �",
0x2aaaaaca0340 "",
0x3be32123a2 "I\211�\213L$0L\213D$(H\213|$ H\213t$\030H\213T$\020H\213L$\bH\213\004$H\203�A�\220H\203�H\211\004$H\211T$\bL\211D$\020L\211L$\030H\211L$ H\211t$(H\211|$0H\211l$8H\215D$`H\211D$@H\215L$\bH\213T$`H\213t$XI\211�\001�\001��\003H\213|$PL\215D$H�020I\211�\213T$\bL\213D$\020L\213L$\030H\213\004$L\213T$HM\205�\026H\213L$ H\213t$(H\213|$0H\203�A�\211\\$"..., 0x0, 0x0, 0x20 <Address 0x20 out of bounds>,
0x7fff0f24b390 "dH\213\004%p\207\214 �", 0x2aaa00000001 <Address 0x2aaa00000001 out of bounds>, 0x0,
0xb4a94e "", 0x2aaaaaad8948 "", 0x7fff0f24b390 "dH\213\004%p\207\214 �",
0x2aaaaab227eb "H\203�b�TH\215="\t\004", 0x2aaaaac7a780 "", 0x2aaaab37aa4f "E9|\214H\201�b\003",
0x2aaa00000001 <Address 0x2aaa00000001 out of bounds>, 0x7fff0f24b390 "dH\213\004%p\207\214 �",
0x3be365d530 "H\213\227\210", 0x7fff0f24b480 "F\204\005",
0xffff7025048b4864 <Address 0xffff7025048b4864 out of bounds>,
0x3be3208c87 "\205�017\204dA\213D$\f\205�017\205U\205�\220\017\205KfE\205�017\211C�H\205�017\2045\213C8\017\fB\213C4\203�002\203\001\211�031�201�\177",
0xcccccccccccccccc <Address 0xcccccccccccccccc out of bounds>,
0x3be3208d20 "\205�017\204\021�\203\006\017\204�\017\037D",
0x12 <Address 0x12 out of bounds>,
0x3be3208d20 "\205�017\204\021�\203\006\017\204�\017\037D",
0x15 <Address 0x15 out of bounds>, 0x2aaaab7d67b0 "/ʪ*", 0x14 <Address 0x14 out of bounds>,
0x19 <Address 0x19 out of bounds>, 0x58446fc <Address 0x58446fc out of bounds>,
0x3be3208ff9 "H\205��\213\226�002", 0x57232bc <Address 0x57232bc out of bounds>, 0x7fff0f24b420 "",
0x58446fc <Address 0x58446fc out of bounds>, 0x7fff0f24b590 ".N=�, 0x7fff0f24b5a8 "\202\222 �",
0x2aaaaaca6928 "", 0x0, 0x0, 0x2aaaaaca2fb8 "", 0x2aaaaaaf6f9c "_nv000100gl", 0x2aaaaacaf9d0 "",
0x2aaaaaaece08 "d\211", 0x100000000 <Address 0x100000000 out of bounds>,
0x10000057e <Address 0x10000057e out of bounds>, 0x7fff0f24b5d0 "\001", 0x2aaaaaad8cb0 "*",
0x7fff0f24b5e0 "", 0x7fff0f24b590 ".N=�, 0x58446fc <Address 0x58446fc out of bounds>,
0x7fff0f24b5a8 "\202\222 �", 0x0, 0x3be3209282 "\205�\213\225\017\217�001", 0x0, 0x0...}
i = 254062200
nPlugin = 1
disableSm = 0
clientId = 0x0
refreshRateArg = 0x0
#0 0x0000003be36942f5 in waitpid () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#0 0x0000003be36942f5 in waitpid () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#1 0x0000003be363bd13 in do_system () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#2 0x00002aaaad0d42d6 in crash_handler (sig=11) at crashhandler.c:50
#3 <signal handler called>
#4 blurWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0) at blur.c:2273
#5 0x00002aaaae94879b in decorWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0)
at decoration.c:1148
#6 0x00002aaaaef52af2 in resizeWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=5, dwidth=8120592, dheight=0)
at resize.c:770
#7 0x00002aaaaf172a21 in animWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0)
at animation.c:8217
#8 0x00002aaaaf37be56 in wobblyWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0)
at wobbly.c:2429
#9 0x00002aaaaf582806 in fadeWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0) at fade.c:62
#10 0x00002aaaaf9991dd in groupWindowResizeNotify (w=0x1e67540, dx=0, dy=0, dwidth=0, dheight=0)
at group.c:1444
#11 0x0000000000415e1b in updateWindowOutputExtents (w=0x1e67540) at window.c:1216
#12 0x00002aaaae948468 in decorWindowUpdate (w=0x1e67540, move=<value optimized out>) at decoration.c:756
#13 0x00002aaaae94902a in decorInitWindow (p=<value optimized out>, w=0x1e67540) at decoration.c:1343
#14 0x000000000042380a in windowInitPlugins (w=0x1e67540) at plugin.c:391
#15 0x000000000041c918 in addWindow (screen=0x7be910, id=<value optimized out>, aboveId=20989985)
at window.c:2132
#16 0x000000000041e832 in handleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at event.c:1249
#17 0x00002aaaacac355d in thumbHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at thumbnail.c:588
#18 0x00002aaaad2de65a in ringHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at ring.c:1498
#19 0x00002aaaad8f40f9 in NEGHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at neg.c:570
#20 0x00002aaaae30a3b2 in zoomHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at zoom.c:537
#21 0x00002aaaae5135f5 in blurHandleEvent (d=0x1e67540, event=0x0) at blur.c:2210
#22 0x00002aaaae9495ed in decorHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at decoration.c:910
#23 0x00002aaaaeb4c593 in regexHandleEvent (d=0x1e67540, event=0x0) at regex.c:265
#24 0x00002aaaaed4f894 in moveHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at move.c:673
#25 0x00002aaaaef5420a in resizeHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at resize.c:742
#26 0x00002aaaaf17198b in animHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at animation.c:7834
#27 0x00002aaaaf37eb48 in wobblyHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at wobbly.c:2186
#28 0x00002aaaaf5830da in fadeHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at fade.c:537
#29 0x00002aaaaf786887 in opacifyHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at opacify.c:341
#30 0x00002aaaaf998520 in groupHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at group.c:1249
#31 0x00002aaaafbb9112 in trailfocusHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at trailfocus.c:231
#32 0x00002aaab0440a28 in switchHandleEvent (d=0x1e67540, event=0x0) at switcher.c:1120
#33 0x00002aaab0646a50 in rotateHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at rotate.c:1471
#34 0x00002aaab084dfeb in scaleHandleEvent (d=0x633f00, event=0x7fff0f24ad30) at scale.c:1673
#35 0x000000000040d750 in eventLoop () at display.c:1503
#36 0x000000000040a686 in main (argc=254062200, argv=0x1) at main.c:401
Detaching from program: /usr/local/bin/compiz, process 6335
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