[compiz] commit a50d2f9e0f66f445338eb5ad7361b48d48446b29 broke compiz for me

Vasek Potocek vasek.potocek at post.cz
Sun May 27 04:24:17 PDT 2007

dragoran napsal(a):
> Sam Spilsbury wrote:
>> How are you launching compiz? If you are using GConf, then you need to
>> launch compiz like this from now on : $ENVIRONMENT_ARGS compiz
>> --replace --sm-disable --indirect-rendering glib gconf&
> If I start it using this command it works. but when I let gnome-session 
> start it it doesn't.
> but this looks wrong anywhy...
> when a plugin depends on some other plugin compiz core should load the 
> plugin for it and not rely on the user to do it.

Yes, gnome-session is not prepared for this change. The attached patch to 
/usr/bin/gnome-wm seems to work here (I have tried it only once now, though).
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