[compiz] Feature Request
Steven Hunt
srhlefty at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 12:53:35 PDT 2007
Or, keeping with the FPS theme, just have various "weapons"--you have a
shotgun, that lets you close windows, a grappling hook, which drags you to
the window and ends with a normal desktop-like view, and some sort of prod
to push windows around.
I'm only half-joking :)
On 10/20/07, Mark McCarron <markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com> wrote:
> At this point in time, I feel that generating interest is good enough. If
> enough interest is shown, then I'm sure the developers would be more
> inclined to add it as a feature.
> My main aim here is to flesh out the idea and integrate additional
> suggestions made by members of the Compiz mailing list. So, feel free to
> throw your ideas into the mix. They are more than welcome.
> As an example, in terms of behaviour, I would like to be able to grab a
> window's title bar, by a left click, and move my mouse forward then release
> to throw the window further into the desktop. This opens the possibility of
> some nice eye-candy, such as the window bouncing, flexing and wobbling as it
> lands. Or if I collide with a window as I am moving about, that it would
> bend and flex as a result of the impact.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:14:15 -0400
> From: vperetokin at gmail.com
> To: markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [compiz] Feature Request
> CC: srhlefty at gmail.com; compiz at lists.freedesktop.org
> I'm really interested in this also, but unfortunately I know pretty much
> to nothing of 3d rendering.
> On 10/19/07, *Mark McCarron* < markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I was thinking of a black void into which objects could be placed. For
> example, you would be able to render an entire level of an FPS within the
> void and include basic collision detection. I know that a void will add to
> the overhead as both the inside and outside must be rendered. Also, most
> games use a form of BSP tree that only renders what is visible as a method
> of optimisation.
> I have a good sense of what I want to achieve in terms of visual and
> interaction. For example, let's say you are using MySpace (or Facebook,
> Newsvine, etc.) and there is a link that will direct you to someone's public
> desktop. After clicking the link, the user will be directed away from the
> current window to a seamless transition to the the other users desktop.
> This depends on two factors, firstly a dynamic DNS entry being available for
> the system in question and it being powered on at the time. Each desktop
> could contain shortcuts that will lead to other desktops, so that people can
> surf from desktop to desktop.
> I would like to develop a prototype, but unfortunately I work and it
> leaves very little time for anything else. That's why I thought I would try
> to describe the interface here. Besides, its something that will need to
> integrated into the overall architecture of Compiz and that's best left to
> the developers.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:08:28 -0700
> From: srhlefty at gmail.com
> To: markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [compiz] Feature Request
> CC: compiz at lists.freedesktop.org
> I agree that it wouldn't be technically challenging to implement, at least
> the basic features. The tricky part is definitely figuring out the best way
> to give the user control over the space. Does the space look like an FPS
> level, with rooms and architecture, or just a black void with windows
> floating around?
> The more specific of a vision you have, the easier it is to write code
> for. Figuring out what to do is often harder than how to do it.
> If you can code in OpenGL, a good place to start is to just write a
> standalone application with dummy blocks to represent the windows, and FPS
> movement controls. I've actually written something like that in the past
> for a different project. That would be a good sandbox to play with control
> schemes. Windows are inherently 2D, so to keep them from disappearing if
> the user is looking the wrong way I suggest it might be useful to map them
> to cubes.
> On 10/19/07, *Mark McCarron* <markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com> wrote:
> From a technical perspective, its no more complex than Compiz already is.
> Its really a matter of developing an intuitive method of interaction with
> the environment. Its very feasible and something that is easily realised.
> The methods are tried and tested in games systems, 3D editors and even 3D
> file managers. Thus, there are no new technical aspects, its merely the
> packaging of those features into a desktop interface.
> The business applications can be helpful if used properly, however, the
> biggest usage will be the domestic home user. The concept of a public
> desktop space (or virtual room), that can be shared across the Internet,
> will add to social networking model. It will also lead to new paradigms in
> terms of web interaction, navigation and information exchange.
> One other major benefit will be the promotion of both X and the Linux
> platform in general. To use these new features, end user's Operating
> Systems will need to be compatible with X. Whilst I'm sure limited
> interfaces could be designed for Windows desktops, it will function a lot
> better as a native Linux user.
> There is a chance here to leave the competing Operating Systems for dust
> and to force their hand in terms of inter-operability.
> Carpe diem.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 08:02:47 -0400
> From: vperetokin at gmail.com
> To: markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [compiz] Feature Request
> CC: srhlefty at gmail.com ; compiz at lists.freedesktop.org
> I had a similar idea, but I think they said it wasn't too feasible much on
> the forums.
> Why do you capitalize "window" though?
> I really like your business applications for this - they really do sound
> very good. This'll be excellent.
> On 10/19/07, *Mark McCarron* <markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Good questions. I have a few suggestions that may help, I'm sure the
> Compiz developers will be able to structure the controls much better. So,
> take this as a basis from which to begin.
> There would be two basic modes, the first mode would be free space, that
> is, your mouse guides you through the desktop space. Upon selecting a
> window, you would enter the second mode, the mouse controls would now act
> upon the selected Window. A simple left-click in free space would return
> the user to the first mode.
> I would expect the user to be able walk around the environment similar to
> any FPS. Movement can either be provided by a mouse click providing
> acceleration, or via keyboard controls again similar to any FPS.
> As windows are objects, perhaps they should have a small control on the
> border of the windows that can be manipulated by the mouse. This control
> would allow the user to alter each of dimensions independently. A small
> clickable X,Y,Z object would work well. This control could be expanded to
> allow for rotation and scaling of the object.
> A quick switch utility is something that is definitely required. Whilst
> the freedom aspect is good, the desktop must provide a productive
> environment. I like the wall utility too, I find it very handy. I would
> expect this to look at the space from above and provide the user with a
> sense of where each window is located as well as a bitmap preview.
> There should also be support for the direct loading and rendering of
> meshes. This is both for decoration and as a tool for work
> environments. Collaborative design work, even across multiple vendors, would
> become very easy. Architects would be able to work on designs with
> real-time client input, car designers would be able to work as team, etc.
> I'm not suggesting a full editing environment, just a basic viewer that
> supports major formats.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 20:33:58 -0700
> From: srhlefty at gmail.com
> To: markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com; compiz at lists.freedesktop.org
> Subject: Re: [compiz] Feature Request
> This is an interesting idea. How would the user control how the windows
> move in the depth dimension? Would the user actually "walk" around such a
> space? With such a large space, how would one get to a particular window
> quickly, i.e. is there still a switcher?
> A 2D slice of such a space reminds me a lot of the current "Wall" plugin
> that compiz has, and is one of my favorites.
> On 10/18/07, *Mark McCarron* <markmccarron_itt at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have been thinking of a new style of interface that could be added to
> Compiz. Essentially, rather than having a desktop, the user would be
> presented with a space in which to work. This space would be several meters
> wide in real terms and the user could navigate the space in a similar
> fashion to a 3D game.
> Windows could be grabbed and thrown throughout the space, providing a very
> large workspace. This would also allow the user to physically arrange
> Windows in the space according to particular tasks or functions. A simple
> double-click of a Window would cause it to snap into full 2D view were the
> application can be worked upon.
> The concept of multiple desktops, could be implemented as multiple
> spaces. Given the network transparency of X, it would also allow for the
> concept of a public space. A public space would be a desktop that is shared
> either across a LAN or Internet. This has both business and personal
> applications. In terms of business, it can be used for presentations,
> reviewing designs, etc. In terms of personal use, it would open a new area
> to social networking, desktop surfing. End users could store images, videos
> and a range of interactive items that members of the public can view or
> download.
> I realise that this can prove to be a bandwidth hog, but like everything
> in computer world, this will only improve with time and become less of an
> issue.
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