[compiz] color management spec

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sat May 31 13:19:55 PDT 2008

Am 30.05.08, 14:32 +0200 schrieb Rémi Cardona:
> Tomas Carnecky a écrit :
> > Dennis Kasprzyk (compiz developer) wasn't happy that I want to attach
> > properties to subwindows, instead he suggested to attach a list to the
> > top-level window containing tuples of [(sub)window XID / Profile]. But
> > I'd like to keep the properties on the subwindows, I think that will
> > make it easier for toolkits. In GTK+ for example, widgets that create
> > their own subwindow will be able to do the color management completely
> > independent of the other widgets. If all profiles are kept in the
> > top-level window then the widgets first have to find the top-level
> > window and then coordinate with other widgets how to create the list.
> > I'd like to hear other opinions on that.
> Qt 4.4 no longer uses sub-windows. I'd say that more or less validates 
> the "subregion/profile attached to the top-level window" approach.

Can you support both, the subwindow ID's and, as fallback, the regions 
inside the top level window?

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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