[compiz] The future of Compiz

Guillaume Seguin guillaume at segu.in
Sat Jan 10 06:43:18 PST 2009

Le vendredi 09 jan 2009 à 23:25:19 (+0900), Sam Spilsbury a écrit :
> I really hope that this conversation doesn't just die off like a lot
> of the other conversations we have on this mailing list as we simply
> 'wait' for more contributors. As for reviving compiz, if we want any
> viable future to do this, it needs to be done fast - a lot of
> distributions are considering adopting metacity and KWin over compiz
> right now.
> Another thing too. I think that we need to get into the habit of
> setting deadlines for desicions and code submission and also
> communicating if those deadlines cannot be met. Right now we have this
> willy-nilly structure of intense discussion that suddenly drops off
> with no actual conclusion reached. We need to stop procrastinating by
> using excuses like 'We'll see what X contributor has to say about
> this', especially when they are more or less inactive. If there is a
> reasonable agreement amongst the majority of _active_ contributors,
> then the decision should go ahead. Efforts should be made to try and
> get a hold of everyone possible, but when push comes to shove the
> project needs to move forward. If you are going to be away and don't
> want the community to pass something big without your say but will be
> away, let the list know that you _are_ away and make some kind of
> effort to be in-contact.

While I can't state much on the code issues (compiz++ looks to be a good move
imho, adressing a lot of issues, but that's where my opinion ends), I'd like to
add that I'm definitely willing to see a lot more of formality within Compiz and
Compiz Fusion management. As far as I can see Kristian is going to release some
plan really soon, and I hope that this is going to be followed by a clear
roadmap and deadlines for at least the next year or so.
Last, while I don't have much time for FOSS hacking these days, I'm definitely
available for giving a hand at management & planning issues.


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