[compiz] Need help with auto-titlebar on unmaximized window with Compiz/Ubuntu 11.04/Unity

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at kde.org
Fri May 6 23:35:12 PDT 2011

On Friday 06 May 2011 18:24:37 vr at movingparts.net wrote:
> re, all.
> Here's a bug filed against Google Chrome for the same problem:
> http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=80856 and here's some
> Can you guys please help me understand why Compiz is doing this, if it's
> something that Compiz is doing on its own or if it's Ubuntu's Unity stuff,
> and how I can keep this from happening?
I dare to answer even if I am not a Compiz dev :-)
While the Compiz/Unity behavior is most likely a bug, the real issue in the cases of Wine, 
Chromium and now Vmware is that they are using Client Side Windowdecorations (CSD). 
CSD is a broken concept and there is no way to guarantee that the window managers do not 
add a window decoration. A window manager is always allowed to reparent the window 
and for some window managers it is even required (e.g. some tiling window managers). In 
fact I have been thinking about deliberately breaking KWin's support for the legacy support of 
requesting no decoration (as used by Chromium).

You can find an extensive summary about all the issues with CSD on [1]. My recommendation 
to you is to rethink the approach and work together with the window manager developers on 
what your requirements really are (e.g. why do you need no decoration) and how you can 
get what you need. A proper place for such a discussion is most likely the wm-spec mailing 
list [2].

Kind Regards
Martin Gräßlin
KWin Maintainer

[1]: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2010/05/open-letter-the-issues-with-client-side-
[2]: http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/wm-spec-list
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