[ConsoleKit] Two sessions after user login

Halton Huo Halton.Huo at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 11 00:59:07 PDT 2009

Hi Ray,

With branch multi-seat, when a user get log in, there will be two
sessions as following:

	unix-user = '0'
	realname = 'Super-User'
	seat = 'Seat1'
	session-type = 'LoginWindow'
	display-type = 'Local'
	open = 'FALSE'
	active = 'FALSE'
	x11-display = ''
	x11-display-device = ''
	display-device = ''
	remote-host-name = ''
	is-local = 'TRUE'
	on-since = '2009-08-11T07:23:34.893840Z'
	login-session-id = ''
	idle-since-hint = ''
	unix-user = '150184'
	realname = '(null)'
	seat = 'Seat1'
	session-type = ''
	display-type = ''
	open = 'TRUE'
	active = 'TRUE'
	x11-display = ':0'
	x11-display-device = '/dev/console'
	display-device = '/dev/console'
	remote-host-name = ''
	is-local = 'TRUE'
	on-since = '2009-08-11T07:23:34.956834Z'
	login-session-id = ''
	idle-since-hint = ''

Is it a bug or by design?


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