[ConsoleKit] Mapping between var XDG_SESSION_COOKIE and the session id.

Stef Bon stef at bononline.nl
Tue Aug 17 03:37:35 PDT 2010


I'm creating a construction to provide easy access to all kinds of 
resources, like local USB devices and ATA harddisks and CDroms, and 
remote shares like Windows/Samba shares, and working on integration with 
OpenEnterprise server.

It's based on a Fuse module I've called fuse-workspace-union and the 
automounter for Linux, and serveral other things like the at daemon 
(acting as launch manager), ConsoleKIt (to make the construction session 
aware, via /etc/ConsoleKit/run-session.d), udev (of course for detecting 
local devices), and a lot of scripts.

It's simular to Gnome VFS, bit does not depend on the environment, like 
GVFS does.
My construction works on filesystem level, using the great tool FUSE.

Now in the environment of the user the var


is set.

How can I match this var to the right SESSION_ID and SESSION_SEAT_ID?

There is an unique one to one relation between them right??

What application  is setting this var anyway? The login manager?

Stef Bon

For more information about the construction:


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