[ConsoleKit] consolekit userid session counters

Martin Vogt martin.vogt at itwm.fraunhofer.de
Wed Feb 24 03:53:53 PST 2010

Hello list,

is there a mechanism in consolekit which counts the number
of session for a user?

I like to run an action if the "user_sessioncounter" reaches zero.


I added to ssh:

>session  optional       pam_ck_connector.so

and if a user logs into the machine:

>if test "$reason" = "session_added"; then
>        if [ -c /dev/nvidiactl ] ; then
>          setfacl -m u:${CK_SESSION_USER_UID}:rw /dev/nvidia*
>        fi
>        if [ -c /dev/nvidiactl ] ; then
>           setfacl -x u:${CK_SESSION_USER_UID} /dev/nvidia*
>        fi

I'm adding him to the nvidia device.
(this is for this project: http://www.virtualgl.org/)

But if the users login twice and then logouts
from one session all the permissions are revoked. :(

An environment variable like


would be helpful here.

Is there such a mechanism?



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