[CREATE] [OT] fonts
Jon Phillips
jon at rejon.org
Thu Aug 18 16:38:16 PDT 2005
On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 09:56 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> > On 8/18/05, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >>On 8/18/05, Nicu Buculei <nicu at nicubunu.ro> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>We talked at OCAL about this (Rejon is a strong supporter of the fonts
> >>>collection, see his blog for multiple references) and the conclusion was
> >>>something like: this is a very good idea, but is out of the scope of
> >>>OCAL (which better should remain focused), so the best thing would be to
> >>>create a *new* project, hosted on its own domain.
> >>>Once the DMS for OCAL will be ready it can be used for the
> >>>infrastructure of this new project.
Yeah, this is the way to go. The thing is we can go ahead and get the
domain name and possibly get the space setup on fd.o.
> >>Any ideas about domain name?
> >
> >
> > E.g. fontlibre.org :)
> we talked about openfont.org as in "the Open Font Library" but the final
> decision will be made by the person who buy the domain, for example the
> openclipart.org domain was purchased by someone (Chad Smith from
> OpenOffice.org) who donated it later to the project.
unfortunately both openfonts.org and openfont.org are taken. We could
though get: www.openfontlibrary.org
Do you think I should go ahead and purchase this? I could setup a
redirect to it right now. If you guys are into, drop like $5 into my
paypal (phillipsjd at gmail.com) and I will round up to the nearest
increment of 5 on how long I buy it for and keep it with the same folks
as openclipart.org. Also, remind me to give out the info for the account
so that we increase our bus count. Otherwise, someone else can buy that
name and set it up to redirect.
The other option is to put up just a basic wiki at that domain maybe
through fd.o and then start posting up the fonts we get that are public
domain, and then when there is enough ppl. and interest, that project
will do its own thing. Yes, we don't really have time, but I have a
feeling that there is someone out there with the time, energy and
motivation to take the reins (sp?) on this one...fonts might even be
more sought out than clip art!
I also think keith packard, raph levien, carl worth, and others would
really be into...plus, this is a really weak area in open source.
How can I support opening up an openfontlibrary project?
Jon Phillips
San Francisco, CA
USA PH 510.499.0894
jon at rejon.org
MSN, AIM, Yahoo Chat: kidproto
Jabber Chat: rejon at gristle.org
IRC: rejon at irc.freenode.net
Inkscape (http://inkscape.org)
Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org)
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