[CREATE] shared resources spec

Alexandre Prokoudine alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 06:49:58 PST 2005

On 11/10/05, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> On Thursday 10 November 2005 11:38, Craig Bradney wrote:
> > Yep.. so.. anyone else want to comment?
> /usr/share/create/X is my favorite -- and I'd like to see this standard fixed
> before I have to release Krita 1.5 in January or February next year :-).


I'm pretty tired of this discussion. Honestly, I expected some kind of
"war" over the root name, but I didn't expect the idea slowly dying

TODO now is:

> Logo up for the project (User:Jon Phillips)

We can live without it for the first release, can't we?

> Clean up the planet create wiki design

The same

> Add at least 10 questions to the FAQ

The same

> Make new version of the shared resources specification (User:Prokoudine)

v0.1 is done

> Write PR (User:Jon Phillips)


> Do release

I propose create as root name. I'm adding tango .gpl file to the
package and uploading release for some brave sould to add install
scripts tonight. Or we can leave this to distro packagers. Can we?


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