[CREATE] shared icons between apps?

Alexandre Prokoudine alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 05:57:09 PST 2005


First of all, sharing icons topic is present in the "Needs further
investigation" section of our spec. It was me who put it in there, so
the idea of sharing icons between applications sounds right to me :)

You might like contacting to Andy Fitzsimon, who recently started
redoing icons for Scribus.

> I would like to do within the Tango-project as you might have heard of
> (tango-project.org) as we have a bunch of really good artists on board
> that are interested in doing icons for the apps involved in the
> create-project.

I like Tango palette, though I don't really understand why pure black
color is missing there.

> Oh, yeah, and most of the tango-artists use several of the create-apps,
> so the motivator for making some fine looking icons are probably quite high.
> We have started some work on a naming spec here:
> http://tango-project.org/ArtLibreSet
> Anyone interested?

I have some comments. Is
http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/tango-artists the best
way to communicate or do we stay in this mailing list? I wouldn't like
to crosspost really.

Oh, I've just added a link to this spec to Specifications section at


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